Recent content by Kol.

  1. Kol.

    Hey im new

  2. Kol.

    Worst Class for Jailbreak (Read Description)

    I'll just say this, a good sniper won't let you build that sentry nor let you get rid of him that easily. a mini sentry can't make a sniper flinch from about 20 meters away im pretty sure, and let's be honest a good sniper won't even let you know of his presence so forget that argument. Second...
  3. Kol.

    Worst Class for Jailbreak (Read Description)

    Ok, i feel like we're losing the meaning of "worst class", it's not just about melee fights or 1v1s, its in general. Because engineer sure as hell is faster than heavy, but his dps is just as good ((both heavy and engi have a shotgun for that matter)Also the tomislav is extremely efficient for...
  4. Kol.

    Worst Class for Jailbreak (Read Description)

    ok so, lemme break down rq.(yap fest) scout: is just really good on everything, escaping , fights, getting ammo. just the go to for rebellers with map knowledge. soldier: if in the hands of the right player, really efficient. Now this is from my experience, but trolldier is top tier for most...
  5. Kol.

    Hello, im new (kinda)

    Hello blitzixt, hope you have fun with all of us as well!
  6. Kol.

    Denied TF2C Guardban appeal

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: | steam3ID: [U:1:1009774185] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:504887092 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep...
  7. Kol.

    TF2 Unusual Giveaway! ...Yet Again

    This is what a beast looks like
  8. Kol.

    what's your guys' opinion on the current state of Jailbreak, and if you could improve it, what would you do?

    change LRs that favoritize reds/blus like melee only , grappling hooks , power-ups and all. also current Jb is kinda boring and repetitive.
  9. Kol.

    Read Me Giveaway ✨ 100k+ steam group members milestone giveaway ✨

    ya i'm def going for that vip+
  10. Kol.


    yea you can tell i'm not new but hi
  11. Kol.

    Discord IT Nerds

    the point of creating a channel to let the world know you have a big brain just confuses me
  12. Kol.

    Accepted Requesting a guardban appeal

    Yea got it , like i said , it was a complete accident regardless , i'm not planning to rule break any time soon.Thanks for dealing with my appeal.
  13. Kol.

    Accepted Requesting a guardban appeal

    1) already linked in 2)I've freehit someone as a scout with my bat but instead of dealing 1 clean 35 dmg i lagged and the game registered multiple hits so he died from it. 3)I wasn't planning on freekilling anyone , that freehit was unintentionally a freekill.I'm not an idiot like in 2020 , i...
  14. Kol.

    an apology

    Well Ralsei/Stove , i believe you're a good person , none of your actions ever bothered me so i don't think i can relate to this.Althought , if you believe the best thing to do is to take a break , sure , i do take breaks as well so i understand. Take care:friday: