Recent content by revelations

  1. revelations

    Declined Communications Block

    Even considering the fact that your story is true, you have a history of poor behavior in chat, so I'm not inclined to believe you didn't know any better. Appeal Declined
  2. revelations

    Declined pleaase unban me

    Ban was vaild, but will be changed to a week as per our guidelines. Appeal Declined
  3. revelations

    Invalid Ban still not gone

    the bans website uses gmt+0 appeal invalid
  4. revelations

    Accepted Silence Appeal

    Your story seems false on the surface, but considering you're a veteran player with zero infractions in the past four years, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on this one. Try not to hit the wrong bind again. Appeal Accepted
  5. revelations

    Accepted Perma Ban for being an idiot

    The other account seems to be a throwaway, so I'll leave it banned, but seeing as it's been 4 years I'll give you another chance under the pretense that another permanent ban will be unappealable. Appeal Accepted
  6. revelations

    Accepted Perma Ban for being an idiot

    Can you link the account that was banned initially?
  7. revelations

    Declined FrisTexnik (PG) appeal

    You aren't eligible for an unban proper, but as per recent chances your ban will be made a 1-year ban, expiring on 11/04/25. Appeal Declined
  8. revelations

    Accepted Ban appeal

    it's been long enough so i'll give you a second chance given you understand that a second ban for cheating would be unappealable the original account will stay banned (as you've said it isn't yours) but both the IP and your current one will be lifted Appeal Accepted
  9. revelations

    Declined Banned Me

    your ban is too recent to be considered for an appeal. you can appeal next year Appeal Declined
  10. revelations

    Accepted falsely banned for cheating

    A review of the clip after the fact confirms that you're innocent. Sorry for the mixup. Appeal Accepted
  11. revelations

    Accepted Perma Mute appeal

    Appeal Accepted
  12. revelations

    Accepted Perma Mute appeal

    I'll accept your appeal under the condition that if you receive a comms mute for toxicity again, it will be permanent and unappealable under any circumstances. Do you understand? You have 24 hours to reply.
  13. revelations

    Resolved aimbot

    User has been banned. Thanks for the report!
  14. revelations

    Accepted My younger brother is an idiot.

    It's been over 2 years since your ban, so I'll give you another chance. You should let your brother know that if he does it again, it won't be appealable next time. Appeal Accepted