
  1. Engie Boy 6000

    Declined The Wonderland TF2 Classic Custom Weapons server; a Rogue's Gallery of weapons that can only be described as shitposts, alongside balanced ones.

    I'm going to make this nice and succinct: the bhop is unbelievably fun alongside numerous knockback weapons, and on the side a majority of the weapons are fun, but the terrible balance of the weapons in question compared to how fun they actually are to use and the combination of that with bhop...
  2. N

    Technical TF2C How do I get custom weapons to show up?

    Please describe the bug that you encountered: I downloaded the "New-Old Weapons Pack v2.5.0 (For TF2C v2.1.0)" and the custom weapons will not show up. I have gone to previous versions as well but nothing seems to work Relevant Screenshots: Server Name/IP if applicable:
  3. TheDaySquare

    Invalid i was banned for no reason...again

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: i didnt see one 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: i was tabbed out, searching how to fix laggy input on google, when a vote started and it kicked me. there was no reason given for the vote 3.) Tell us why we should unban...
  4. TheDaySquare

    Invalid TF2C Please unban me. I didnt do anything wrong.

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: i dont have one or i didnt see one 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: I was one a tf2c custom weapons server (ip: and i tabbed out for only a few seconds to read some discord messages. but by the time i...
  5. Publius

    Declined Ban Appeal for Senor_Taco

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: Also linked account with Steam 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: I was playing on the Custom Weapons 3 server on TF2C. We were playing on...
  6. Publius

    Resolved TF2C Reporting Funny Bone Man for General Rule II Parts 1 and 2

    SteamID / STEAM profile of the player: STEAM_0:0:709787312 Date of incident: 8/14/2022, 12:14-1:00am PST Server name / IP: TF2C Custom Weapons 3 Proof of evidence in form of: screenshots (first screenshot is context, potential rulebreaking in red circle in second and third screenshots)...
  7. FrancoFM

    Declined "ctf_2fort_cool" for TF2 Classic 64 players servers!!

    Imagine this epic warfare 64 players madness on the "coolest" version of 2fort!! (Pun intended)😎 Steam Workshop Link: What are your thoughts on this map guys?