Covid-19 my crazy thoughts


Mar 30, 2018
To start this off I hope everyone is staying safe and has no symptoms. If you do have any symptoms please go to a doctor right away. Now that has been said, I have seen many suggestions saying this is gonna last months, years, and some even say never find a cure. I hope they do find a cure eventually but I would like to throw a suggestion for medication for anyone feeling these symptoms. Please note I am not a doctor, I am not qualified to be a doctor, do not do anything drastic and this is all very theoretical and should not be used against me if anyone tries this. So if anyone knows the medicine brompheniramine, more commonly known as bromfed, you should know it is a very powerful drug used to cure people who have let a common cough turn into strep throat or worse pneumonia. I personally used brompheniramine when I had pneumonia for 2 weeks and didn't feel hungry tired thirsty or anything but I had 0 energy and lost a bunch of muscle mass. Anyways continuing my hypothesis, if anyone has bromfed and has any symptoms I am very curious on how this medicine will react with corona virus. Now I know this is just a very strong cough medicine and covid-19 is more than a cough but maybe but eliminating parts of the virus your body can fight off the rest of the virus. Now this virus doesn't attack anyone in particular, it does not only happen to one race, age group, or sex. I know this may sound crazy as you read this in your head but I do believe taking bromfed and adding some other medicines with it that works safely on people can create a cure. Please do not abuse brompheniramine if you have it or if you try this take it only in the morning or in the night but do not over use it. I do not recommend anyone doing this as it is only a hypothesis. If this post gets taken down I understand I do not wish for anyone to get harmed by doing this.
Stay safe everyone and do not do anything ignorant!

If you have any comments, concerns, idea please share them below and maybe your ideas will sound better and more plausible.
-Sincerely GamerBro2357