I'm Leaving

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Deleted member 8006

Yes, I know this is unexpected and I would explain my reasons why I am leaving but I can’t. If I did so, I would most likely get perm banned for saying the reasons why I am leaving. All I can say is that I am leaving because of “Unexpected events” and “Other problems/reasons.”

As stated, I was not expecting this myself and was never planning to do this any time soon but ya. I’m leaving WLN. What I mean by leaving is that I don’t plan on using the forums anymore, the Discord, and being on the servers. As stated above, I did not expect this to happen but it’s happening. And if you are wondering if I will ever come back, the answer is maybe, but most likely not. If I were to come back from a few years or months from now, I would most likely just stay on the servers and pretty much never use the forums or Discord. However, I don’t plan on coming back and if I did, it wouldn’t be any time soon.

Just wanted to say thanks to the community for welcoming me to this website/server back in April/May. Although I joined the forums in 2019, I didn’t really use it until April 2020. While I was here, I really enjoyed getting to know the community in the forums, the Discord, and the servers themselves. I had a lot of fun tbh in Jailbreak and all the experiences that came from it. I enjoyed my time here while it lasted and I would like to say thanks to the following people:

@Alex Starther (The @ thing broke so I just linked your forum profile, sorry) - Thanks for being a good friend on this website/forum! I see you are now applying to be a staff member so I hope the application goes well! Although I have only seen you a few times in-game for Jailbreak, I always saw you on the forums and the Discord. Also, it’s great to see that you have made a bunch of reports as well, which I am happy that you have helped the community! :) As stated, I wish you luck on the application! : ))

@Buns - You were the person who welcomed me to the forums when I came back in April/May 2020 and really showed me the great community of WLN! You were also a pretty cool person to talk to and I’ve seen you a few times in-game for Jailbreak. I wish you luck for whatever you plan to do next! :)

@EXPAND DONG!!!!! - Although I don’t see you much on the forums and I’m pretty sure I never saw you in-game for Jailbreak, I always see you on Discord. You were a cool friend to talk to and we memed about how Magilla Gorilla was the mascot on WLN. Those were some good times and I know you are planning on doing Gmod/SFM stuff so I hope that goes well! :)

@Gio136 - I always see you in-game for Jailbreak and sometimes I see you on the forums. You were a pretty cool dude and it was funny for that one moment we had where we both rebelled as Demoknight for Jailbreak and the BLUS got angry lol. Also, as stated below, I am happy that you have helped the community as well, which I am grateful for that! However, I wish you luck for whatever you do next! :)

@idk lol - I’ve seen you a few times in-game and we spoke on Discord as well and you were a cool person! I remember when I first joined the forums that me, you, and Gio did a lot of reports and those were some good times. I wish you luck with whatever you do next and thanks for helping the community! :)

@Profit - I remember seeing you a few times before you became a mod and always joked how I got LR most of the time. And when you became a mod, that was a very cool moment. I hope that it goes well for and I have one favor: Keep the #monkey daily on Discord alive. I’m not sure if Kyo will come back but we must keep the monkey community alive! :)

@Kyo - Come back. Although I won’t be around anymore, you were a very cool staff member and if you want to, you should come back to be a staff member again! And as the previous Monkey King (IMO still the Monkey King), you have done w e l l. I wish you luck for whatever you do next and if you do come back to be a staff member, I hope it goes well! :)

@UberCharge!! - I’ve seen you a few times in-game and you are a pretty chill mod! I remember before I joined the WLN Discord I always asked you questions and you always answered them! And even after I joined the WLN Discord you still answer my questions so I am grateful for that. Also…

@Hoovy Co. - I’m pretty sure I never saw you in-game but I always see you in the forums and now on the WLN Discord. You were a pretty f u n n y person and I hope that it goes well for you! Also:
H i. You thought there was going to be more here but n o. : ))))
I’m sorry if I didn’t mention everyone but those are some people I would like to thank for making up the great community on WLN! Although not everyone was included above, I would like to thank the community for being great!

I know this came out of nowhere but I just wanted to say this if people are wondering why I am not using the forums or Discord anymore when I am usually very active on the forums and somewhat active on Discord. As stated above, I am now leaving. Thanks for being a great community to be part of while I was here!

(If you would like to talk/speak to me, you can do so via Discord. My Discord is: The Orange Birb#5193)


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2020
Its really sad seeing you leave since you were the one to introduce me to the community and helping me when i first came,and you were also a super cool guy and really active and always willing to help.
Thanks for helping the community i hope u come back one day.
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★ Donor ★
Jan 1, 2020
(The @ thing broke so I just linked your forum profile, sorry) - Thanks for being a good friend on this website/forum! I see you are now applying to be a staff member so I hope the application goes well! Although I have only seen you a few times in-game for Jailbreak, I always saw you on the forums and the Discord. Also, it’s great to see that you have made a bunch of reports as well, which I am happy that you have helped the community! :) As stated, I wish you luck on the application! : ))
Thank you, I wish you good luck in school also stay safe outside in the real world.
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Honorary Member ★
Jul 15, 2017
Yes, I know this is unexpected and I would explain my reasons why I am leaving but I can’t. If I did so, I would most likely get perm banned for saying the reasons why I am leaving. All I can say is that I am leaving because of “Unexpected events” and “Other problems/reasons.”
No, you would not be. In fact, since it's come to this, and you're acting like the staff are silencing you, I will explain it myself. I want to be transparent, especially since this was my doing.

I warned Orange Birb last night for withholding relevant information from forum reports. Specifically, he:
  1. Reported a freekiller and cut the video before it showed a staff member slaying them, which made it seem like the situation was left unhandled.
  2. Reported someone for DR denial and cut the video right before they corrected themselves, which made them seem more guilty than they would be.
These actions were viewed as dishonest portrayals of situations and so, with Orange Birb's previous offenses (such as a 1-day suspension for shitposting in Help Desk), he was put on his final warning before a permanent forum suspension.
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