May 26, 2024 - Jailbreak Rules

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Jul 13, 2017
Common Terms
Terms defined here do not need to be explained in game.
  • AFK/AFM: Away from keyboard/mouse.
  • Baiting: Any action that allows REDs to hit/kill BLUs. See Baiting Rules for more info.
  • Bomb-/bum-rush: Take the quickest and shortest path.
    • This is implied with every movement order unless otherwise specified by the warden.
    • This means that the shortest path should be taken, i.e., “Bombrush to the blue line” should be understood as the nearest blue line by default.
      • Going within a reasonable distance of said spot is acceptable, i.e., "go to a player podium in jeopardy," should allow REDs to choose any player podium as they are within a reasonable distance from each other.
  • Freeday Player: An individual player who does not have to listen to warden's orders & is free to do what they like with exceptions. See Freeday Player Rules below for more info.
  • Freehit/Freekill: Hitting/Killing REDs who are not KoS.
    • MFH/MFK: Mass freehit/freekill.
  • KoS: Kill on Sight.
    • Auto-KoS: Anything that will nearly always make a RED KoS.
  1. The last non-rebelling RED is only obligated to not do anything auto-KoS. They should receive LR & DR after all other REDs die, unless they still need to go up for a vote-related minigame (Theatre, Diner, etc.).
  2. DR includes any commands given by the recipient (they are not limited to one command).
    • DRs may not reset the FF cooldown.
  3. Blues shall not delay or otherwise deny doing a DR.
  4. If a rebelling RED is the last alive, they cannot be pardoned or receive LR/DR.
  5. Custom LRs:
    • Must be stated by the warden (The LR will be active as soon as the round starts).
    • That specify the warden cannot give any extra/additional orders are only valid for 4 minutes after the round begins.
    • That requires the warden to say something after every order is optional.
    • That break rules are not allowed.
  6. LRs do not transfer between maps.
  1. Warden/BLUs are baiting REDs if they:
    • Get into a RED's melee range while they are following warden's orders.
    • Constantly rev miniguns or scope in/charge arrow in the direction of REDs without actively attacking rebels.
    • Are in a RED area with REDs also inside.
      • RED areas include:
        • Cells
        • Knife Pit
        • Areas necessary to play minigames (not BLU-side)
        • Any other area of the map clearly defined as "RED"
      • RED areas do not include:
        • Areas connected to RED areas (e.g. stairs, cave under 9 Square).
      • If a RED can freely move within a RED area, then they can hit BLUs outside of it if they are close enough (melee range).
  2. REDs destroying buildings works the same as baiting.
  3. REDs may always hit & kill baiters, but not chase them.
    • However, if a BLU is in a RED area, REDs may temporarily ignore anything to chase & hit the baiter.
    • Projectiles/Taunt-kills may be used to attack baiters, even for class-specific baiting outside of melee range
  1. A Freeday Player will be considered auto-KoS if they do any of the following listed:
    • Be the last RED alive.
    • Body-block BLUs for a long period of time.
      • BLUs/Warden must give a warning beforehand.
      • BLUs doing the same to REDs may be slain after a warning.
    • Hit breakables leading to armory/ammo.
    • Enter armory/stand in the doorway.
    • Heal rebelers.
    • Interfere with minigames.
    • Lose their freeday status.
  2. Freeday players are never eligible for LR nor can ever be pardoned.
  3. Freeday players cannot be baited by BLUs.

Holiday Rules
Orders/rules that only apply during said holiday season. These rules supersede conflicting rules, aka, Holiday Rules have supremacy over regular rules.
Holidays included: Spooky Season (October), Winter Season (December), Love Season (February), Independence Season (July), and Brazilian Independence (September).

  • Zombie Hunt Day - LR Only: Blues are to wait in armory for 30 seconds and allow REDs to disperse. After said time the Blues are to chase after and kill the zombies. REDs are not to use weapons, as they are zombies.
    • The last RED, which does not have ammo, can get LR.
  • Theatre/Diner: Regular theatre/diner rules apply, however, the theme must follow the current holiday season
    • Brazilian Independence is not mandatory for the theme but can be done if the warden wishes.
  • Trick or Treat Day: REDs will approach warden and say Trick or Treat. Warden must then give the RED a trick or a treat, where a trick will be for the RED to complete a minigame of warden's choice without failing said minigame, and a treat will allow the RED to skip the minigame.
    • REDs are not required to say trick or treat if they are muted/gagged.
    • Treats will be limited to 1/4 of REDs alive.
    • Tricks must performed after all Treats have been given for that round (for the day).
  • Monster Bash: Meat grinder.
    • Standard FF rules apply.
  • Trivia: Holiday questions are allowed.
    • Regular trivia rules still apply.
  • Staff Enforced Days - LR Only:
    • Witch Hunt: The warden will be the Witch and must hide from the REDs. The REDs will be the hunters, who must find and eliminate the Witch. If the Witch survives until the end, they get LR. The RED that kills the Witch will be granted freeday.
    • Headless Horseman Pursuit: A player will be randomly chosen to be the Headless Horseman and hunt down the fools.

Common Activities
Days, orders, & mini-games explained here do not have to be explained in-game. These are not the only ones available, just some of the more common ones.

  • Altitude/Elevation Day: REDs may not change their z-axis (e.g. jump, crouch, move up or down, etc.)
  • Cell Wars: Warden turns on FF with the purpose of cellmates engaging in combat (May be converted to Line Wars).
    • Cannot be done if REDs have already left their cells.
    • Warden may specify one-per-cell.
  • Lava Day: REDs may not touch the floor.
    • Beds & windows are safe by default.
    • Taunts do not elevate you from the ground.
      • Warden can choose to allow taunts and/or other structures.
  • Line Wars: Warden turns on FF with the purpose of REDs fighting within the lines surrounding the cells.
    • Cells must be kept open.
    • Cannot be done if REDs have already left the line.
    • Warden may specify for one red to be left alive.
  • Out of/Inside Cell Rebel Day: REDs may not be outside/inside of cells, respectively.

  • First Reaction/Last Reaction:
    • When warden says, "First reaction," the first to do said action is KoS. Last reaction works the same but if the last does it then they are KoS.
  • Simon Says:
    • Warden must say either "Simon says we're now playing Simon Says, Simon says I'm Simon," or "Simon says I'm Simon, Simon says we're now playing Simon Says." to begin the minigame.
    • Warden may not have more than two Simon Says type games stacked, unless specified in LR.
  • Trivia: Also called Jeopardy or Weakest Link, depending on the map you are playing on.
    • Allowed topics (any other question types are disallowed):
      • WLN
      • TF2
      • Minecraft
      • Simple math/geography/English/history.
    • Questions must be within reason (e.g., no uncommon terms) & have quickly verifiable answers (e.g., a Google search away).
    • If REDs answer a question correctly can choose other REDs to be KoS.
      • The warden must still define if 1 or 2 REDs can be chosen.
  • Drip or Drown: Voting minigame where REDs are judged on by their cosmetics.
  • Typeracer: First RED to type a word selected by warden exactly. Limit 9 characters.

Special Activities
  • Days/games explained here do not need to be explained in-game & include specific rulings.
  • All games listed must be completed & no LR is given.
There is no warden & REDs are free to do what they like with some exceptions.
  • REDs will be auto-KoS if they do any of the following listed:
    • Attack a BLU.
    • Be the last RED alive.
    • Body-block BLUs for a long period of time.
      • This includes constantly, purposefully colliding with BLUs or trapping them in a building.
      • BLUs must give a warning beforehand.
      • BLUs doing the same to REDs may be attacked after a warning.
    • Hit breakables leading to armory/ammo.
    • Enter armory/stand in the doorway.
    • Have ammo.
    • Heal rebels.
  • May not be initiated outside of warden being killed, LR, or on the first round of a new map.
  • Warden is not allowed.
  • BLUs are unable to bait outside of class-specific baiting.
  • Last Guard applies.

War Day
A mini-game where all the BLUs are sent to hide in a building outside of the main cell area. REDs are then allowed to enter armory to get ammo & kill BLUs.
  • REDs are KoS 20 seconds after the cells are opened.
  • FF may not be enabled during this game-mode.
  • May only be done every 3 rounds.
  • BLUs may not leave the area until they are the last guard or 4 minutes have passed, whichever comes first.
  • BLUs may “bait” on this day (rev weapons, sticky trap (may not sticky trap armory), etc.)

Last Request-Only Mini-Games
These days/games are only allowed to be done as a last request.
Hunger Games:
Hunger Games is a game where REDs are set free & FF is enabled.
  • The warden may allow/disallow ammo, camping, & teaming unless the LR already defines these parameters.
  • BLUs are unable to bait.
  • BLUs may spectate the REDs.
Meat Grinder:
FF is enabled in a small area with REDs crammed inside.
  • Examples of places where FF is not considered Meat Grinder:
    • Pool.
    • Arena.
    • Deathrun (If all traps have been activated)
  • Examples where it is:
    • Medic Bays.
Pokémon Day:
REDs & BLUs melee fight each other in duels to either team's death. Trainers on both teams pick fighters.
  • Warden is automatically BLU team's trainer & must ask a trivia question to pick who gets to be RED's trainer unless someone has picked themselves as it for LR.
    • You may pick others than yourself to be trainer when you get LR, however they can refuse it.
    • Trainers are the only ones who choose Pokémon (combatants).
    • Trainers may not pick themselves to fight until they are the last team member.
      • If there are Pokémon remaining on the other team, the trainer must defeat them before fighting the other team's trainer.
  • Triple battles max is allowed.
  • Only melee weapons & their effects are allowed (Charging is allowed should the red be given the opportunity to charge as well).
  • Wardens may not give orders/days outside of Pokémon Day.
    • The exception is restricting movement/position of non-combatants & restricting where combatants fight.
  • No Last Guard.
  • Can only be done once every three rounds.
Armory Tour:
The warden opens armory for the REDs.
  • Entering armory is not auto KoS on this day.
  • REDs getting ammo is still KoS.
Trivia in the cells. Whoever answers a question right is able to choose all the REDs in a cell to be KoS.
  • Must be started at the beginning of the round.
  • Trivia rules apply (besides the limit of 2 REDs KoS).
    • REDs who answer a question right can only choose one cell to be KoS.

Banned Weapons
These weapons are disallowed. Normally they are automatically blocked, however they are listed here in case of exploits.
  • Disguise Kits
  • Invis Watches

General Jail Rules
These rules apply to all players.
  1. Resizing to gain advantage in any way is not allowed, these include:
    • Resizing to dodge bullets
    • Resizing to rebel
    • Resizing as warden
  2. REDs are auto-KoS for doing any of these, provided BLUs witnessing it:
    • Attack a BLU that isn't baiting (including projectiles).
    • Block doorways from closing.
    • Hit breakables leading to armory/ammo.
    • Constantly mic-spam and/or talk over warden.
    • Enter armory/secret ammo spots.
    • Have ammo.
    • Heal rebels.
    • Leave cells before there is any order to go somewhere else (unless it's a Freeday).
  3. Rebels can be pardoned (save it not being favoritism/last RED).
  4. The same activity may not be run more than two rounds in a row.
  5. Warden impersonation is not allowed.
  6. If the warden has not given orders before the cells open, it's a Freeday.
  7. Excluding staff, nobody may speak over the warden.
  8. Upon warden's death, it is a Freeday, unless a BLU has taken their place.
    • All orders/days are nullified, unless the warden taking their place has said previous orders apply.
    • All REDs are auto-pardoned, except REDs actively rebelling.
  9. Ghosting is forbidden. This means a dead person giving any info/influencing the game in any way.
    • You can ghost if player(s) are excessively delaying the end of the round.
  10. Do not delay/stall the round.
    • Camping Armory/Medic is not allowed.
  11. No hiding in areas where you cannot be found or accessed, such as secret rooms that only work once or team-restricted areas.
    • Camping map-based teleportation entrances/exits are not allowed.
  12. You must use the '/r' command to ask for a repeat.
    • You must be AFK to ask for a repeat & remain AFK for that repeat.
    • You are always allowed to ask for a repeat, even if it means postponing a current order (e.g. typing /r whilst crouch walking).
    • You must ask for a repeat within 10 seconds of the end of an order.
    • You must wait for an order to be done to ask for a repeat.
  13. REDs must always follow the last valid order. For trick orders that could be "partially" followed, you must still follow the last, "fully" valid order.

BLU Team Rules
These rules apply to all of BLU team, including warden.
  1. BLUs may not freehit/freekill.
    • Anything that will render you eligible for a kill assist, such as throwing projectiles, airblasting, or any other form of "non-damage" is considered freehit (even if to freeday players).
    • BLUs winning RPS is not freekill.
      • Similarly, REDs winning RPS is not rebelling.
      • However, BLUs intentionally accepting RPS taunts not meant for them is considered freekill.
  2. BLUs may not team hit/kill.
  3. BLUs may not break breakables/complete RED secrets (unless in response to rebels).
  4. Opening the cell doors before the round has started is not allowed.
  5. BLUs must have a clear mic for others to hear well.
  6. Demos may not sticky trap.
    • You may sticky jump & use stickies (without trapping) in response to being attacked or rebels.
  7. BLUs may not interfere with minigames.
    • These include: shooting box game boxes, shooting football, running through minefield, reset deathrun, etc.
  8. Certain players cannot be given an advantage/disadvantage for unfair reasons (Favoritism).
    • Common examples of favoritism are as follows:
      • Allowing a RED to rebel because they are your friend.
      • Pardoning/killing one RED but not another for doing the same thing. (In this case, kill or pardon them all.)
    • Wardens must have at least two guard alive to vote during minigames that require it.
      • Warden may not be the only vote.
      • If all BLUs besides warden die over the course of the game, you must end it, even if REDs have died.
  9. Last Guard Rule: The last guard must either kill the remaining REDs (no LR) or continue the round (go warden).
    • If only one BLU spawned, Last Guard doesn't apply.

Guard Rules
These rules apply only to guards, not warden.
  1. Guards must always listen to the warden, outside of rule-breaking obviously.
  2. Guards may not roam and/or play minigames unless they are searching for rebels.

Warden Rules
These rules apply to the warden.
  • The following orders/days/games, or anything similar to them, are not allowed:
Banned Orders:
(These would also be disallowed as days/games.)
  • An unchanging order lasting longer than 5 minutes (e.g., doing Obby the entire round with no other orders throughout).
  • Defining orders/games in the rules as days (e.g., "Cell Wars Day").
  • Restricting text-chat in any form.
  • Orders involving non-map features (i.e., you cannot use sprays, etc. for orders).
    • Warden and VIP lasers can be used.
  • Orders that force players to take damage/die. These include but are not limited to:
    • Ordering to go into an activatable minigame.
    • Ordering a BLU to go into a crowd of REDs.
      • This includes placing markers directly on/in the path of a BLU.
  • Whoever jumps first gets LR.
    • This applies to similarly simple actions like crouching, 360'ing, etc.
Banned Days/Games:
  • Opposite Day: This is a warden stating all their orders are to be followed to the opposite extent.
  • Peace Day: Turning on FF & telling REDs not to kill each other.
  • Shoot or Don't Shoot: This is asking REDs to choose between a BLU shooting or not shooting another RED.
  • Triangle Game: Having REDs stand in a triangle formation & choose a RED to die without seeing the others' choices.
  • Trust Fund: If one RED rebels, other REDs are KoS as a result.
  • Custom days created by the warden with more than three identifiable steps.
  1. Commands only apply if said through voice chat. Exceptions are:
    • Asking questions through warden-chat.
      • Orders through text-/warden-chat if the server has 10 or fewer players &/or needs wardens.
  2. The Warden must have a clear mic (No orders using similar-sounding words).
  3. Warden must explain fully any orders/days/games they use unless they are already listed in the rules or are completely self-explanatory (e.g., Crouch/No Crouch Day).
  4. Wasting FF is not allowed.
  5. The warden may slay guards when applicable, provided they witness them breaking a rule. Warden cannot slay off the word of players alone.
    • Only staff are allowed to do Mic Checks.
  6. Warden cannot lie about anything that affects the round.
    • Kale cannot lie.
  7. Warden must give one repeat per order unless a RED doesn't request it.
  8. Warden must comply with LR.
    • Exceptions are listed in the LR/DR Rules section.
  9. The warden’s last order overrides all previous orders if the order contradicts them, except during a day; days always override orders.
  10. If warden is the last guard, they must choose if they want to kill all REDs or finish the round normally.
    • Once they pick either, they must commit to it. If they choose to kill all REDs, they must unwarden ('/uw') right away & not give any further orders.
  11. Freehit REDs must be allowed to fully heal in some way if they are about to play a game reliant on HP (e.g., Arena, Minefield).
  12. Warden can only use the respawn ('/wrespawn') command for REDs who were freekilled.
    • Respawning all REDs before orders have been given is allowed.
  13. Warden may give orders that force taunts, but only if the correct command to type in chat to initiate the taunt is given.
  14. Warden may not use a voice changer that significantly alters one's voice, i.e. using a voice changer to have extremely high/low pitched voice.
  15. Warden orders do not apply to Freeday players.
    • Warden may restrict Freeday players to stay out of their melee range.

Other Rulings
These are rulings that do not fit into the above categories.
  1. If the warden says, "go to my markers", it is both types of markers (Here and Waypoint).
    • Warden may specify to go to a certain type of marker.
      • Here markers are always warden markers, but warden markers are not always here markers.
      • Waypoint markers are always warden markers, but warden markers are not always waypoint markers.
    • It's assumed when you are ordered to head to a warden marker that you are required to go to the most recent markers until told otherwise.
    • To be considered "in" a warden marker, you must be within or close to (in the case of collisions) the surrounding circle, or within the z-axis length of the pole.
  2. Cheating for minigames must be defined by the warden.
    • By default, you cannot cheat activatable minigames.
  3. Being in physical doorways/entryways to areas is considered being in them. This also applies to:
    • Standing in the cell door or any other exits of cells.
    • Standing on the armory door, in secret entrances with ammo access, or being in any alternative entry.
  4. For our purposes, going from the water to a raised area (such as a Sweeper podium) is considered "jumping".
  5. Look orders/days are restricted to only two instances at any given time.
  6. Stacking freeday on special rounds, such as Purge or Hide and Seek, is not allowed.
  7. Racing is allowed when all participants are equal in speed and start time.
    • Extremely short races should not be done at the start of the round.
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★ Donor ★
Honorary Member ★
Jun 26, 2022

Changelog (March 1st, 2024)​

  • removed several redundant definitions
  • activities cannot be done more than two rounds in a row (down from three)
  • reworded general jail rules #8 "All REDs are auto-pardoned, except REDs that are actively rebelling."
  • reworded blue team rules #7 to "BLUs may not interfere with minigames" with examples
  • moved "cannot reset deathrun" to be under interfering with minigames
  • reworded guard rules #2 to be less wordy
  • moved guard rules #3 (cannot interfere with minigames) to be under BLU team rules
  • removed restricting +use, as +use was removed
  • unbanned days forcing reds to use voice lines (scream for help day would be hilarious)
  • reworded "Orders through text-/warden-chat if the server has 10 or fewer players and/or needs wardens."
  • removed "Any custom days/games may not infringe upon any of the REDs' protections in the rules" as it is redundant
  • reworded warden rules #4 to just "wasting FF is not allowed" as ff cannot be activated within three rounds of each other
  • removed "Guard Slay is an ability given to the warden to slay rule-breakers; misuse is strictly prohibited." self-explanatory and misuse is defined below it
  • added specification under warden cannot lie, kale cannot lie
  • removed warden rule REDs must be given one method of communication, as it was redundant and already stated above
  • moved "you cannot cheat activatable minigames" and examples


★ Donor ★
Honorary Member ★
Jun 26, 2022

Changelog (May 26th, 2024)​

  • Removed MFK day.
    • This keeps our ruling on "No rule-breaking custom LRs" more consistent, with less confusion between rules.
Since this is a minor rule change, I'll be keeping the previous changelog posted until a more significant change has been done.
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