Accepted Unban/information appeal

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1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable:

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
Seems like i got banned, so while i understand maybe a gag and a warning, i fully believe a perma ban is wayyyyy too much of an overreaction. and i'd love to know what misinformation was spread, so while this is an appeal its more for information rather than appeal of the ban.
Also my boy sides been banned for a full year by a mod that was removed (didn't step down as the mod in our server implied). for minimal reasons.
3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
Because a perma ban after 1 warning and only a single gag on my account is way too much of an overstatement
also i looked through your ban list, you ban people for cheating for only a year, but we say free my boy and thats a perma ban?. Wont happen again :)


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Head-Admin ★★★
★ Donor ★
May 31, 2018
All 3 your punishments will be unbanned because it was overscaled immensely.
However, If you ever join servers with the intent of causing havoc again, the permanent ban will be reinstated.
Appeal accepted.
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