Recent content by Cbear

  1. Cbear

    What's ur favorite film genre?

    Comedy, and Horror, However, only Horror with Comedy.
  2. Cbear

    How is everyone?

    Good. Just... Good.
  3. Cbear

    TF2 How many of you use a fps config

    This game is quite old. Configs make it better
  4. Cbear

    What is your favorite planet?

    Bro, Earth; woulda been dead without it
  5. Cbear

    What's your favorite color?

    Red :)
  6. Cbear

    How does it feel to a exploit in tf2?

    I would never thats iLLegAL
  7. Cbear

    JoJos in TF2

    I'm so proud of this. We need Cosmetics for scout that makes him Joseph.
  8. Cbear

    Favourite DC character

    I love Shazam, don't know why but he's just the best no question.
  9. Cbear

    What's your favorite music genre(s), and why?

    I'm going to get hate for this, but i'm a country boy. I don't really know why I like country. It has so many feels to it because there are so many types. Zac Brown Band is the best band btw.
  10. Cbear

    Resolved x1000 items not working

    I've played on the same servers and to be honest it might not be you, X1000 is a hellhole and sometimes stuff just flat out will not work.
  11. Cbear

    What other games do u guys like?

    I play a lot of Overwatch, and Left or Dead, and a bit of CSGO
  12. Cbear

    The 4 lettered word game

  13. Cbear

    TF2 Which Strange botkiller weapon is the best?

    Blood BotKiller Wrench for sure mk.1