Recent content by Joey

  1. J

    Declined Ban appeal 1692410972 i have to get off for now, ill check back on the thread tomorrow cya
  2. J

    Declined Ban appeal

    2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: I said i was going to f*ck some dudes mom and i got banned for "pedopheila" whoever banned me has gotta be dumb 💀 3.) Tell us why we should unban you: Because i didn't do what they said i was banned for, if they banned me for toxicity, sure...
  3. J

    Accepted TakeNine's Appeal

    Profile: What happened: I was mic spamming 2 years ago, and was perm muted. I understand what i was doing was really annoying and pissed people off, but its been 2 years and im pretty sure i've learned. Why i should be Unmuted: Its been 2 years, i...
  4. J

    Declined Muted for mic spam. there we are i found it! 1596251046 its completely fine if you cant unmute me i still have fun on inmates team
  5. J

    Declined Muted for mic spam.

    yes, i can but how is that done?
  6. J

    Declined Muted for mic spam.

    I was mic spamming which yes is completely my fault i should have never done it and i understand being muted. I just wish there was a some warning thing to tell me to stop before being muted it was for a joke and i didn't go over warden or anything if you are reading this still please unmute me...
  7. J

    Declined Perm muted

    i honestly am sorry for playing rick roll it was stupid but also pretty funny I didn't get any warning just perm muted I fell like you should at least be asked to knock it off i understand if I'm perm muted but it would be cool if I was unmuted. I just rlly want to play guards again I will never...