Invalid I want unban

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1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable:

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
I was playing on one of your achivment engineer servers.
It was fun but then guy named Prime aim challanged me to a duel so a accept it.
So i was normally playing and killing Prime aim.
But then he started to say in the chat that im cheating and have proj aim.
So he said to one guy named to ban me and i swear i dont need to cheat in this game.
I was in the battle before with Haku and and they got no problem killing me.
But Prime aim to his skills and his TOP 5 rank player was pretty bad.
I think that Prime aim has that big EGO that he thinks he is unbeatable.
I really hate this type of people and i hope you understand me.
So he said to to ban me and the voting started.
And thats how i got banned on one of your servers.
Thanks for your effort and time you spent on this message.

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
You should unban me because im legit player that enjoys playing and dont need to cheat.
And idk what say next :)
Thanks again for the effort

Enjoy the movement
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