Invalid report

  • Thread starter Anonymous (292d)
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Anonymous (292d)

SteamID / STEAM profile of the player: steam [U:1:1029331582]
Player name: dobryfranek
Date of incident: 09-09-2021 around 19:00 pm
Server name / IP: 24/7 achievement/trading
Proof of evidence in form of: focusing 1 player and being assholes about it spamming offensive, messages in chat, spawncamping

Screenshot 942
SteamID / STEAM profile of the player: steam [U:1:1175085487] his main account
account used at the moment of incident
Player name: happyharvey1313 was using his seccond account donty
Date of incident: 09-09-2021 around 19:00 pm
Server name / IP: 24/7 achievement/trading
Proof of evidence in form of: focusing 1 player and being annoying in chat, spamming offensive, messages in chat spawncamping, pocketing the other player or assisting him as other classes than medic
cannot provide more proof because i left the server and they left immidietly after and i do not know how demos are suposed to be recorded


★ Donor ★
Jan 1, 2020
Thanks for taking your time filling this report.
I've checked their logs and, it's safe to say they are fine. They didn't spam with anything critically offensive in their logs, a couple of words said that isn't enough to consider action on. Concentrating on one person in combat is perfectly alright in our servers, for a video game it's their job to work together and eliminate the enemy team. We have differences between spawn-camping on surf servers, from the evidence you've provided they can shoot from there to your spawn, we consider spawn-camping on those servers more consistent and severe, which includes exploiting as stated on our rules.
Other than that, you've mentioned you cannot provide more proof. I'll close this report, feel free to create another report with sufficient evidence if you find them breaking our rules.
Thanks for reporting nonetheless!

Report closing.
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