Some "weird" mandatory rules for applications


★ Donor ★
Honorary Member ★
Jan 29, 2019
I'm curious, curious about why there is a mandatory rule for having 15 posts on the forums. Is it because it is important that the "upcoming staff members" are well organized known with the forums and use the site to get to know others? Because I feel like (not trying to sound rude) there shouldn't be a rule for 15 posts on forums. Most people prefer to play and enjoy the wln servers, so why isn't that enough to apply for staff?

Joyless (Seasonal?)

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
Staff not only works on the servers and when filling out a application staff members need to know if you are active on the forums so you could do things like move unnecessary stuff to the bin or move forums to their correct spots. Staff aren't only for the servers and also work on forums. Hope this helped.


★ Donor ★
Dec 9, 2017
I would never want a staff member ordering around who isn't even active on the forums.

If it was me, I would set it to 30+, and not just 15.

The reason they do this is because members tend to leave their application super short and rushed. We will also know If the applicant is rushing by shitposting. This denotes his lack of patience and submission.
In order to become a great applicant, members should adapt with the community, not only the rules, but with the guidelines offered by many members here, including regular members.
Forum participation is a must, to be eligible to administrate on both the servers or the Discord/Forums.

If one thinks moderating a server means just to sit back and watch people break rules and you just ban them, the he/she better not apply.

Staff members have several roles assigned to them. It's not just banning, gagging, muting or kicking people in game just for their idiocy.

I also don't like staff members who stays on only one server and ignore calls just to enjoy what he's already doing.
