
Ex-User (7989)

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Sep 9, 2019
Share some personal fears in this thread. It can be anything minuscule or important to you, just feel free to share and perhaps connect with others who join the thread.

I have a great fear of growing up. As immature as it may sound, I cannot even begin to imagine having to reach the age where I have to subject myself to something so draining and uninspired. The way I see it, there is nothing to be achieved by living through what everyone before me has already suffered through. I see no passion within anything an average adult does, and it terrifies me. I've accepted that becoming an adult is an inevitable eventuality, but I don't just want to work all day everyday and struggle through an existence of serving some higher power and the never-ending stress. It is childish to have such fears, I have accepted that. Most of all, I just don't ever want to lose my youthful passion that I already feel slipping away every day.

Preacher Platinum

Legally, you suck.
★ Donor ★
Aug 2, 2019
Arachnophobia / Entomophobia

Not big, but definitely sucks when a spider or bug finds its way into my room. At that moment, all hell breaks loose. Commence operation GTFO and operation napalm.

But seriously, a big fear of mine outside of phobias would be not being physically capable of keeping my family alive. Everyone does stupid shit, and when you’re not around you never know what could happen. For example, a heart attack. Anywhere, anytime, could be you, could be me. What if it was a dear family member and you weren’t around for help?


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Sep 12, 2019
united kingdom
Arachnaphobia aka fear of spiders, their small eight legs really give me the chills especially when they crawl around at such high speed...

Acrophobia aka fear of heights, I always see the worst when I'm up high, especially when I look down from a ledge or balcony. Never let me look down from a high place or I'll get instant sweaty hands and a flushed face!

Claustrophobia aka fear of enclosed/confined spaces, but only mild. I'm asthmatic so whenever I'm in close proximity to close walls or a crowd of people, I'll naturally get a higher heartrate and start breathing a bit heavier. It's not severe enough to the point where I will suffer a panic attack, but I will definitely get uncomforable when in situations like that.

note: not glitches, even though they can be equally terrifying.
I hope you haven't played Fallout 76. :katsmug:
  • Haha
Reactions: Hypernova


Sep 3, 2018
Fear of every animal. I don't know what they're thinking, so...

It annoys me when a dog owner days "It won't bite". Yeah right, because you know that for sure, don't ya. Even if it has never done so before, it doesn't mean it won't now does it? How are you going to react if it bites me? Yeah the chances are slim for some dogs, but it's still fucking there.

Other than that, I have no real fears. Height I'm fine with, age is natural so I accept it, and death is the same. Nobody knows what happens after death, but it's less of a fear, and more of just something that's interesting.


★ Donor ★
Dec 9, 2017
I love swimming and I love spiders, idk why you have to be afraid of drowning or getting raped by a spider.
My uncle had a Tarantula pet and used to study insects and arachnids

But there's something I like but sometimes fear of. Loneliness. Being alone is fun, but sometimes it's creepy.
also, dogs.