Recent content by colonel barrage

  1. colonel barrage

    Invalid Appeal :: colonel barrage

    apperantly I was unbanned a while later after I post the thread, I assume the ban doenst last forever?
  2. colonel barrage

    Invalid Appeal :: colonel barrage

    My console during ( and after it when I try to connect to a 2fort server) the event for chat history and stuff : Team Fortress Map: minecraftworld_a7 Players: 4 / 32 Build: 4783668 Server Number: 1 Client reached server_spawn. Recognizing MM server id [A:1:3126048772:11548] Attemped to...
  3. colonel barrage

    Invalid Appeal :: colonel barrage

    User name: colonel barrage 1.) Include your ban link: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: I joined a minecraftworld server out of boredom and seeing 3 people in it which is quiet and nice, I joined the spec team...