Recent content by Dage

  1. Dage

    Accepted Perma Ban for being an idiot (my Alt account that i use to avoid punishment)
  2. Dage

    Accepted Perma Ban for being an idiot

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: I was first ban in 2019 for saying the famous lmaobox line. then it got change to a perma ban because I played on a alt account which mean i was avoiding...
  3. Dage

    Declined Ban for cheats spam

    Here is my ban I was ban because I said get,good get lmaobox as a complete jokes ,I wasn't cheating ofc it just i was dared in discord the say it. But i only said it 2 time so it not really a spam tbh . Second I...
  4. Dage

    Declined Permanently banned for avoding punishment appeal 2

    I already did my first appeal and they got misunderstood I wasn't cheating i was joking and saying get good ,get lmaobox I wasnt actually cheating it just that my discord friend dare me and i did it and got banned i wasnt cheating I was joking im clearing this, and plus there no evidence other...
  5. Dage

    Declined Permanently BANNED for avoiding punishment

    My profile link main and alt First I was banned 4 weeks for cheat spamming i was joking and said get good,get lmaobox 2 time and got banned at that time i was very mad that i got ban for cheat spam, So i...