Recent content by E G G

  1. E G G


    I can speak English and a bit of German
  2. E G G

    TF2 Which situation in TF2 made you really frustrated?

    I hate running into the same hacker constantly in casual
  3. E G G

    Pokémon sword/shield

    epic moment
  4. E G G

    Jailbreak questions

    very epic and true. epic freekill moment
  5. E G G

    How do you like your French Fries?

    I like salty fries but i don't like them super crispy. i usually prefer them with ranch or chili+cheese
  6. E G G

    How is everyone?

    mogul moves
  7. E G G


    @Eight and @Holly are 2 of my favorite staff members, because they always just keep chill and are both great at being admins in general. They never lose their cool and they have been really nice ever since i joined :). The reason i want to win is cuz im broke and dont really have many good weapons.
  8. E G G

    TF2 What's your favorite class and why?

    I like scout a lot just cuz there are so many weird situations you can get yourself into when ur fast speedy boi
  9. E G G

    Invalid Banned for "abusing call"

    I was freekilled on a jailbreak server, so i used !calladmin like usual, and i was banned 30 seconds later? id really like to know how i was abusing call by reporting a freekiller...
  10. E G G

    TF2 Hello!

    Welcome to Squid! I’m happy to play with you on jailbreak!
  11. E G G

    TF2 What Crosshair Color Do You Use?

    I just stick with default cuz I don’t really think to change it
  12. E G G

    TF2 What's your opinion on competitive TF2?

    I usually just play it on my off time to improve how I play. Though I have never played highlander, I think it’s better than the usual 6v6 scene
  13. E G G

    Grappling hooks are really annoying.

    I find grappling hooks more annoying than fun
  14. E G G

    I would like to ask why the map jb_alkatraz_v18 isnt back on the map rotation?

    I asked an admin a bit ago and they said that the map creator was fixing the multiple bugs and crashes with the server but i looked at the update page and apparently 5 days ago the map was updated to fix these crashes?? I really would like to know if its going to be added back because i spent so...