Recent content by fossils

  1. fossils

    Resolved Question about the !unusual command

    I tried but nobody payed any attention to me
  2. fossils

    Resolved Question about the !unusual command

    I've only had one mod that gives custom animation for the grenade and rocket launcher, but i've had that ones for months. just tried the !unusual command again, and it still doesnt work. pretty annoying as i know of no other servers that provide a function like that.
  3. fossils

    Resolved Question about the !unusual command

    I've been on a few servers trying to use the !unusual command to try out combos with unusual hats I own, but recently the command has been really buggy. I am in the steam group, and even have the tag in my name. The command used to work fine a few days ago, but recently, none of the effects i...