Recent content by GamesForFun

  1. GamesForFun

    Invalid no mics there are ppl who don't have mics on blu and keep leaving the game and rejoining just to stay on blu we need help we need a mic check.
  2. GamesForFun

    Resolved Ban

    might aswell get appealed or try
  3. GamesForFun

    hey im new in forums

    idk wasn't my name 1563679565 literaly everyone hated him
  4. GamesForFun

    hey im new in forums

    ok thx Ik how to do the call admin thing but this was for a guy who went warden and open and then immediately closed cells and left reds in there for the whole round his name was I think Xx_sniper_main_xX I think
  5. GamesForFun

    hey im new in forums

    but I need to know where to report people for tf2 jailbreak