Recent content by Gamingdoge

  1. Gamingdoge

    Accepted Unban Appeal

    I was getting angry at that time as i said that and i promise to not be mean and say bad threats when i am angry also thats his user
  2. Gamingdoge

    Accepted Unban Appeal

    Steam profile: Bans: Explain what happened: I was playing on a trade server then I said Im going to dox you and typed his username then put a lenny. Why I...
  3. Gamingdoge

    Giving Away Spare Items

    can I have a liberty launcher?
  4. Gamingdoge

    Declined Banned Hello I was banned for using a homophobic slur on the Jailbreak server. Why should I be banned is because I promise not to use homophobic slurs,also read the rules again,and be a good person and not a...
  5. Gamingdoge

    Invalid Banned

    Im sorry for Doing whatever I did I promise to never do it again and read the rules again so I can be a good person and not a horrible being. sincerely Crazy Diamond.