Recent content by GamingGamer4u

  1. GamingGamer4u

    Declined Banned for false !call and Extended due to previous offence

    I tried to discuss it with moderator on discord (Raziel/Dezire) and he sent me here. I called admin on one guy on blue without a mic (or at least a believe that he/she doesnt have mic,because he/she didnt use it 5 rounds in a row),but in max. 2 minutes, I got banned. Mind you that nobody asked...
  2. GamingGamer4u

    Invalid False guardban

    Name: Urban Odst(renamed now to Falsely Guardbanned for 1:30hrs) Admin: Thresh reason: mass freekill (false) Urban was a W while doing club glod with around 6 reds(keep in mind that the stairs are kos day was active). All reds except last 2 went through stairs to microphone(which means they...