Recent content by Lala7586

  1. Lala7586

    well, quarantines here so what do you guys play now that your stuck in your house?

    I recently started playing TF2 MvM a lot
  2. Lala7586


  3. Lala7586

    After the covid-9 virus what would you do

    There is a lot of things I would do. I miss work (surprisingly), so I will probably work extra I am definitely also going to renew my gym membership! Exercising at home is not nearly as effective as in the gym:/ And of course, do a lot of activities with my friends
  4. Lala7586

    Favorite Food?

    (Picture from Google) Kebab/Shawarma is very popular in Denmark and probably my favourite food. It's fast, easy, cheap, smells and tastes good.
  5. Lala7586

    Declined For the discord:

    You could just use the #memes channel.
  6. Lala7586

    Spring Cleaning

    Comment :blobspy:
  7. Lala7586

    What shoes do you wear?

    Ultra boost 20 black :blobkek: