Recent content by MonkeyDB

  1. MonkeyDB

    Accepted [SURF] Update surf_10x_tf2_complete to newest remaster on 24/7 servers

    The map, surf_10x_tf2_complete, has received a major remaster by mapper Exer. The newest version has major expansion and improvements, as well as balance changes and camping reduction. Overall, it is a pleasant change to the near decade old (If not more) map, 10x. Here is a link to the video...
  2. MonkeyDB

    Accepted Banned for nonexistant duplicate account

    Hello, I am glad you've taken the time to respond. Those messages are not to be taken seriously, as I do not know how to install aimbot, and never will due to the high risk of a ban and the hate everyone has against the practice. I know of LmaoBox due to the fact that it was spammed when an...
  3. MonkeyDB

    Accepted Banned for nonexistant duplicate account

    Hello, I just want an appeal due to the fact that my account is not a duplicate. I am assuming I got banned for a dupe account because I was on a VPN, which used a different IP than my normal one. Thus, there must have been someone who had used it before that had been banned on your servers. If...