
Looks like whoever is reading this got interested in me. Anyways, Hello there and Welcome to my profile. You most likely looked me up to find out more about me. Well, here I go. I'm from Dubai, yes, Quite a shocker for most of the people who met me on jailbreak. reason being my accent changing a lot which makes me sound American, Europian, to Bri ish sometimes. Yes, I did remove the t, cause we drank all of the t pun entended. Sorry if you're British I mean no offense but it was a good one. I and my Old lad had a laugh about it. Anyways that's pretty much it if you want to get to know me please do it through jailbreak cause I don't want to get random dm's unless if you got good memes. I love memes it cures my depression. :)

Member statistics

Reaction score
Oct 17, 2003 (Age: 20)