Recent content by Nils'

  1. Nils'

    Declined Instantly banned on connecting

    matches my ip thank you have a nice life
  2. Nils'

    Declined Instantly banned on connecting

    I'm actually upset by this, could I by any chance get the IP in a PM just to check? For my own sanity
  3. Nils'

    Declined Instantly banned on connecting

    Well it's not my account but i don't know how I can prove it so whatever [E] Just really sucks to be banned for no fault of my own by some throwaway account that somehow have a similar IP adress to mine. It could be one of my brothers but i really doubt that as the only one that cheats in games...
  4. Nils'

    Declined Instantly banned on connecting

    1.) Include your ban profile link: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: Joined one of your trade server and was instantly banned for "[!!!] Duplicate Account!" from what i can read on the website 3.) Tell us why we should unban you: I...