Recent content by Poopy Joe

  1. Poopy Joe

    Long time no see

    I was banned for 5 months now I got banned for using a Loli sing And I am sorry for it Hope u understand.
  2. Poopy Joe

    Invalid Got banned cuz I am a dumbass

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: My steam account: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: I had equipped an loli sign. 3.) Tell us why we should unban you: I am werry sorry for my actions, I will delete the...
  3. Poopy Joe

    Declined I got banned for using a loli sign

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: My steam account link: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: I who's afk not knowing I got the loli sign equipped on my loadout 3.) Tell us why we should unban you: I am...