Recent content by Requiem

  1. Requiem

    Bunnies taste good :)

    Bunnies taste good :)
  2. Requiem

    JB sucks

    JB sucks
  3. Requiem

    I'm racist

    I'm racist
  4. Requiem

    Accepted Warned/isolated for posting loud video

    1. Discord username with discriminator: ⃝⃝⃝⃝⃝⃝⃝⃝⃝#3867 2. What happened? I got warned/final warn for posting a video that was loud 3. Why should we unban/unisolate you? I couldn't hear any sound of the video when I Clicked on it so I think it broke while it was compressing the file (happens...
  5. Requiem


  6. Requiem

    Some Dumbass

    Some Dumbass
  7. Requiem


    when the joke doesn't reach you 😔
  8. Requiem

    hey kale here

  9. Requiem

    TF2 I present to all of you... a map that I've been working on for 4+ years!

    koth jinxland would fit to this map :)
  10. Requiem


    Man above likes dogs ಠ_ಠ
  11. Requiem

    Lunar gender ? Female or Male ?

    Women O-O
  12. Requiem


  13. Requiem

    Hot person entered our forum :katlove2:

    Hot person entered our forum :katlove2:
  14. Requiem

    Forgot that I still exist here

    Forgot that I still exist here
  15. Requiem

    Accepted Banned for animal abuse

    1.) Discord username with discriminator: Evenik#0707 2.) What happened? I got banned for posting a video of a rat who got throw with cheese and trapped 3.) Why should we unban/unisolate you? By posting this video I thought he was staying on the table or something but didn't know that he was...