Recent content by Sans11121

  1. Sans11121

    Accepted Consciencious objector appeal

    I agree, and promise to never use inappropriate decals again, you have my word.
  2. Sans11121

    Accepted Consciencious objector appeal

    So I recently got a permanent ban on using an objector without any consecutive warning, and I yet had no idea that you could actually get banned for using said weapon with those "certain" kinds of decals, is there any way I can appeal this? Why you should (at least give me a temporary ban)...
  3. Sans11121

    Declined Spray Ban Appeal

    I also want to ask if this isn't appealed, is this at least temporary?
  4. Sans11121

    Declined Spray Ban Appeal

    I have recently been spray banned for spraying nsfw on a combat surf server, and I'd like to apologize for doing so. I forgot to change my spray before entering the server. I promise I will change my spray and try not to let this happen again. My profile is...
  5. Sans11121

    Declined Temporary ban appeal?

    Is there any way I can appeal a temporary ban? I have been temporarily banned for saying a racial slur, and I would like to appeal it. I give you my word this situation won't happen again. P.S. sorry if I am editing it so much, I'm new to...