Recent content by Sense

  1. Sense

    Apology to everyone

    Hello people! I would like to apologize to everyone for Cheating. Ever since I have been banned I realized everything I have done was wrong. I would like that you forgive me for my decisions. Thank you for taking your time reading this apology Cheers -Sense
  2. Sense

    Declined A unban appeal

    Profile ID : Steam3id : [U:1:475612452] Steamid64 : (Time 03-08-18 22:49 (The last appeal I made was about 7-9 months ago) I have been banned for Cheating (tried duplicate account...
  3. Sense

    Declined A second appeal for a Permanent Ban

    a little edit again: I do not know which Part of the Team banned me.
  4. Sense

    Declined A second appeal for a Permanent Ban

    a little edit: on the ban list is listed for more reasons than cheating.I am sorry if I'm wrong but if I remember correctly it was just cheating. Thanks for correcting me if it was false.Sorry
  5. Sense

    Declined A second appeal for a Permanent Ban

    Steam Account: 1.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: I've been banned because I've been using a Cheat software on an alternative account (No longer used) (used Cheats: Aimbot, Wallhacks) Detailed Explanation: I was on a...
  6. Sense

    Declined A Ban Appeal.

    Reason: I will stop cheating and so i will continue to do with all the servers.If you decided to Unban me, better decide that you give me a Temporary Ban, please.
  7. Sense

    Declined A Ban Appeal.

    Ok Eight or @Eight.So here's a reason why i may want to get a Temporary Ban:
  8. Sense

    Declined A Ban Appeal.

    My steam Account:
  9. Sense

    Declined A Ban Appeal. I have Been banned for having or making or so "Duplicate Account". I don't have an idea why or so. I'd like to get unbanned cause, I've played on that server Every Single Day, I Enjoyed Playing...