Recent content by Silence

  1. Silence

    Accepted got banned for a duplicate account

    Hmmmm i seem to really have no idea why'd it say usa especially since i've never been there, however, i have been to Saudi Arabia once for 2 day vacation and I used my friend's pc to login there. It still doesn't make any sense that it'd come from the USA when i never stepped a foot there
  2. Silence

    Accepted got banned for a duplicate account

    Yes hello i seem to have been banned for duplicate account for some reason after i joined a trade server and i got slammed immideitly by the ban saying i had multiple accounts there or smth. Yes i did apply before when it happened but due to my unresponsiveness i got denied and had to wait 4...
  3. Silence

    Declined Got banned for "duplicate" accounts

    I have no association with that accout whatsoever. I only have one alt and I don't even use TF2 for it. Nope, I only use one network and it's the one i'm on right now
  4. Silence

    Declined Got banned for "duplicate" accounts

    No, I don't have any of that stuff nor do I use them.
  5. Silence

    Declined Got banned for "duplicate" accounts

    So it happened right when I joined a trading server and after a few minutes in, I tab in and see that I got banned for no reason and even looked it up and it says I was banned due to duplicate accounts which doesn't make any sense because I just joined and I only play on my main account. I...