Recent content by Spiralt

  1. Spiralt

    these server suck a and when i need they are mean

    these server suck a and when i need they are mean
  2. Spiralt

    Accepted Got banned for a LMAOBox bind

    I do know what i did wrong and im not gonna do it again
  3. Spiralt

    Accepted Got banned for a LMAOBox bind

    I was joking by typing in Get Good,Get LMAOBox since someone was saying that and I binded it and it auto banned me I guess I have never used hacks besides when I was 10 I hacked roblox
  4. Spiralt

    I was banned for for binding a message as a joke and pressing it

    I was banned for making a bind as a joke and it Get Good, Get LMAOBox since someone said it and i pressed the bind and was insta banned i don't even knew what lmaobox was till i looked it up.