Recent content by VanhaVeleho

  1. VanhaVeleho

    Declined TF2 Unmute

    No im appealing for my alt (sitcat) because i cant log onto it in wonderland forums...
  2. VanhaVeleho

    Declined TF2 Unmute

    VanhaVeleho i got vac and did a sec acc 1633113524 to play on ur funny maps like ach engi 1633113794 And the vac was from Otaku servers !votekick... somehow it triggered vac
  3. VanhaVeleho

    Declined TF2 Unmute

    im banned for my alt for "avoiding punishment" Steam ID: 76561199176306595 i like the wonderland achievement engi and my all friends are the so i wish for an unban
  4. VanhaVeleho

    Declined Ban appeal for alt (cant log in)

    VanhaVeleho is my main Steam acc and sitcat is my alt acc (Steam ID: 76561199176306595) 1633107618 And no i am not appealing for VanhaVeleho (forum acc) I use this to appeal for my alt account
  5. VanhaVeleho

    Declined Ban appeal for alt (cant log in)

    Hi this is a unban appeal for my alt because i cant log in on my alt (sitcat or qwertykeyboard50) Steam ID: 76561199176306595 So i dont know what was the punishment and how did i avoid it so feel free to explain.
  6. VanhaVeleho

    Declined TF2 Unmute

    Im muted for an day for being toxic. I've achieved my cool... so its up to you guys : )
  7. VanhaVeleho

    Declined Unban Appeal

    I was banned on wonderland for hacking while ago. I learned my lesson so can i get unbanned :)