Recent content by Xpert Guy

  1. Xpert Guy

    Accepted I'm sorry, didn't really know that was a slur.

    Context: I said this in chat after a guy with Chinese name left "lol i made -snip- leave" Emm soo, I'm sorry about that, I don't know why but I always thought that what I said isn't like, a slur or a bad think, I always said it like a juke or something, not like a racial slur, guess is...
  2. Xpert Guy

    Accepted Banned for "being homophobic"

    Emm, hi again, soo for a reason I don't really understand, I was banned for being homophobic, emm, I don't know what did I said, I don't know what I did, I was just playin. I know this is a 1 day ban, but even 1 day, it damages my reputation, I didn't do anything, the only thing that could've...
  3. Xpert Guy

    Accepted Sorry for being this good at look like a bot

    Sorry for the waiting, i binded something like this [bind v "say GET GOOD, GET LMAOBOX!"] so every time i hit "V" it will say that in text chat im actually gonna watch some movies so i will turn off the machine, anyway thanks for acting so fast and i apologize the team for spamming that, i will...
  4. Xpert Guy

    Accepted Sorry for being this good at look like a bot His name is Lord Darkenss, i even chatted before start acting like a bot and played like a real human before that.
  5. Xpert Guy

    Accepted Sorry for being this good at look like a bot

    So i was playing and a guy said: "This guy looks like a bot", and i found that funny, so i binded the tipycal "GET LMAOBOX" text to a key and start walking and shooting like a bot. And this just happend like 4 mins ago, im sorry for being dumb and i will never do it again, im not a bot im a...