Why the fuck is unlocking the forgotten so hard?

SPOILER ALERT FOR AFTERBIRTH+ BTW (yeah i play on console :) )
Ok so here's the steps to unlock it.
Step 1:Beat Floor 1 boss in 1 min (Azazel destroys this)
Step 2:Mom will scream "ISSAC" and go back to your starting room and bomb that room and you will get cursed shovel.
Step 3:Go To Boss Rush (Beat Mom In under 20 Minutes) and beat it and you will get the tip of the shovel.'
Step 4:Go to dark room and find the room with just a patch of dirt and use the complete shovel and you will unlock the forgotten.
Doesn't seem that hard right? Well there's 1 thing I forgot to mention on step 2
So while your just trying to get a item, a coin or even a bomb, moms foot can just come down and damage you for 1 heart. And guess what she still tries to kill you even in boss rush WHEN YOUR BUSY TRYING TO DODGE AND KILL BOSSES.
So what does base cursed shovel do? It stops the stomping for 1 room and once you go to a new one it resets. The full shovel (Moms shovel) works just like We need to go deeper but can dig up the dirt patch in the dark room to get the forgotten.
My 2 tips are to play azazel due to ez kills early floors and the speed can help you evade attacks and the 2nd tip is that HP upgrades are super clutch.
Good Luck unlocking this character you'll need it
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★ Donor ★
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Sep 26, 2020
Mom’s foot has some benefits, in that it is essentially bombs for hp, and it hurts enemies. Also, any form of bomb immunity makes the foot deal no damage. I would recommend isaac for this actually. Good hp, ability to reroll, (So higher chance of bomb immunity) and normal tears are more reliable and less dangerous than azazel’s brimstone. Best thing about azazel here is flight due to trap rooms being a pain in the ass with mom’s foot, but that’s why the active part of it exists.
Mom’s foot has some benefits, in that it is essentially bombs for hp, and it hurts enemies. Also, any form of bomb immunity makes the foot deal no damage. I would recommend isaac for this actually. Good hp, ability to reroll, (So higher chance of bomb immunity) and normal tears are more reliable and less dangerous than azazel’s brimstone. Best thing about azazel here is flight due to trap rooms being a pain in the ass with mom’s foot, but that’s why the active part of it exists.
Holy shit actually thank you I didn’t know bomb immunity did that :)

Loaf of Pens

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2020
Also with that, the wafer is a really good item, it reduces all damage to half a heart. With the mom doing a full heart, it's good to have that

But forgotten is one of my favorite characters, I have all of them (but one) unlocked and it's just alot of fun. There's so many cool synergies with the bone.
Also with that, the wafer is a really good item, it reduces all damage to half a heart. With the mom doing a full heart, it's good to have that

But forgotten is one of my favorite characters, I have all of them (but one) unlocked and it's just alot of fun. There's so many cool synergies with the bone.
Ya boi beat it due to Tech X + Brimstone