
  1. pitagaming123

    Invalid hi i don't know why im baned i don't really know why im baned that why im here the reason why i think i will get a ban appeals it because i didn't do something that will give me a ban
  2. bzya

    Accepted Plz unban

    1.) Добавьте ссылку на блокировку своего профиля: [У:1:1119487697] 2.) Объясните, что произошло/почему вас забанили: Бан ожиданий на читерство 3.) Расскажите, почему нам следует разбанить вас: Меня забанили по деньгам. Я никогда не пользовался сторонними программами. Мой аккаунт ни разу не...
  3. Mr. Tootsie

    Declined Kindly unban me

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: (If you are appealing a Discord ban, include your Discord User ID) You can do so by visiting & searching for your ban. (If you have your Steam account linked on your forum account, this step is not a requirement.)...
  4. jacuimmarcal

    Accepted Server Ban Appeal

    Steam Account: i was banned (permanently) for "advertising other servers", what happened was, when i was going to send a copied message (normally for /taunts), i forgot the message i copied it was a server id (the one i'd join a friend to...