TF2 A huge list of commands, and an explanation of what they do

Some Dumbass

Certified, and Awarded Special
★ Donor ★
Sep 21, 2018
Oregon, the rainy state
Please note that this is now a year old, but I thought it was worth sharing since I just have it sitting on a google doc.

Almost all of these commands can be inputted in game on the console to enable it, go into the normal settings (the gear without a plus) and click on advanced to bring up a checklist and click enable developer console (aside from these commands you can input binds which bind a key of your choice to say or input a one time commands like kill binds and text Note: for some of these commands you will have to create an autoexec.cfg to make these commands semi-permanent BUT you should always mess around with different value especially with the network settings (I do not know yet what commands reset after relaunching the game but HUD and tf_ commands stay) To make an autoexec.cfg file you will need to locate the drive that has your team fortress 2 files on it and go to tf then cfg then add a new text file then rename it to autoexec.cfg and remove the .txt in the name BUT it needs to remain a text document just rename it don’t change the file type.

Recommended server and ping settings: these commands HELP fix bad hitreg, delayed shots, missing info, and lag in general

USE THIS COMMAND TO TEST HOW THESE NETWORK SETTINGS AFFECT YOUR GAME: in a server type net_graph 1 be sure to focus on the “lerp” value in the bottom right if it’s white it’s fine but if it’s orange you at a danger of losing packets and if it’s yellow you are losing packets making your actions never happen in the server, if this happens turn the cl_interp up by decimals not whole numbers

Basic overview: controls how much data is sent and received

(Controls when your actions are registered and sent to the server and received)
cl_interp 0.015152 (lowest amount game will allow)
(Alternative to the above (more stable) but community servers have a high chance of limiting this so just set both to be sure)
cl_interp_ratio 2 (default is 1)
(tell the game how fast your internet is, this will vary)
rate 80000 (change this based on the speed of your internet, you will have to tinker around with this.)
(Controls the rate at which packets are being sent per second. note: don’t go lower than 66 because that's the rate that valve servers run at)
cl_updaterate 66
cl_cmdrate 66

Very optional settings

Recommended HUD settings

Basic overview: changes the view models and look speed

(It's your field of view)
fov_desired 90 (default is 75)
(Weapon models get smaller)
viewmodel_fov 80 (default is 54)
(Uses mini models in default game)
tf_use_min_viewmodels 1 (default is 0)

Fps settings that don’t hurt graphics (NOTE Team Fortress 2 is a CPU heavy game so no matter your GPU your CPU will bottleneck it)

Basic overview: these commands remove unnecessary props like grass and flowers that hurt fps

r_drawdetailprops 0 (default is 1)
cl_detaildist 0 (default is 1200)
cl_detailfade 0 (default is 400)

Basic overview: This command can be very dangerous if used wrong because we are changing the limit of how many cores of your CPU the game is using. NEVER USE THIS IF YOU HAVE A SINGLE CORE CPU

mat_queue_mode 2 (default is -1 or 0) AGAIN I HAVE TO WARN YOU DON’T USE THIS ON A SINGLE CORE CPU IT CAN AND WILL MESS YOUR COMPUTER UP (Note: please realize that I've never tryed this with a single core processor and the fact that most computers made in the 21st century have multi core cpus) this doubled my fps

Basic overview: this command turns off HDR (High Dynamic Range) which might be important in other game but with Tf2’s color palette it make almost no difference (Note: actually makes some weapon skins and models look nicer)

mat_hdr_level 0 (default is 1)

Basic overview: fuck v-sync (vertical sync) it locks your hardware to only display what the game thinks it can which in fps shooter is terrible and also adding input lag adding milliseconds to your reaction time between what happend in game and you doing something which is something the server does already

mat_vsync 0 (default is 1)

Basic overview: changes the version of Directx which is software developed by Microsoft that talks to a PC's hardware components. Specifically, it's a collection of application programming interfaces, or APIs, designed to handle tasks related to rendering 2D and 3D vector graphics, rendering video and playing audio on the Windows platform making it very important to have the right version that works with your computer so try them all to see Note: there is no danger in trying these as it will only affect how the game interacts with you computer parts not how they perform (unlikely but possible to cause a crash)

mat_dxlevel 98, 95, 90, 81, 80 (default is whatever the game think will work best)

Basic overview: increases the priority of the game when you launch it Note: this is also somewhat dangerous as it requires you to know the exact amount of threads you have which is a virtual version of a CPU core so be sure you know what you have but worse case is the game crashes Also this requires you to exit the game and go to the home for the game in your library click in the manage button (looks like a gear half way up the screen all the way to the left. Using default 2020 steam UI) then click properties then “SET LAUNCH OPTIONS” then type the command

-high -threads (how many you have)
(can be typed all at once) in my case my amd ryzen 5 1600 has 12 threads 2 per core

Basic overview: removes blurring of textures “for effect”

mat_mipmaptextures 0 (default is 1)

(not a command) Basic overview: just add Team fortress 2 the file name (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2) for me to the whitelist on your virus scanner (DO BE WARNED THIS COULD CAUSE A VIRUS ONLY IF I REPEAT ONLY IF YOU ARE DOWNLOADING A “new map” From a community server BUT it’s highly unlikely to happen because all maps have to be approved to be put on the workshop and game banana, still you can never be too safe. Take caution)

If your pc is really bad or you want high frame rate here some more commands to turn off settings I've found to be useful in-game but are heavy on processing

Basic overview: Turns off the highlighted friendly players after spawning (I’ve found it useful to see spies don’t recommend)

tf_enable_glows_after_ respawn 0 (default is 1)

Basic overview: Turns off map and player decals like bullet holes and sprays (found it to easily find where shots are being fired don’t recommend)

mp_decals 0 (default is 200)
r_decals 0 (default is 2048)

Basic overview: Turns off shadows (come on it’s shadows. Really don’t recommend)

r_shadows 0 (default is 1)

Basic overview: Turns off gibs from exploded players (they’re bodies just disappear after dying from an explosion “creepy”)

cl_phys_props_enable 0 (Default is 1)
cl_phys_props_max 0 (Default is 128)
props_break_max_pieces 0 (default is -1)
r_propsmaxdist 1 (Default is 1000)
g_ragdoll_fadespeed 10000 (Default is 600)
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 10000 (default is 100)
ragdoll_sleepaftertime 0 (Default is 5)
cl_ragdoll_fade_time 0 (default is 15)
cl_ragdoll_forcefade 1 (default is 0)
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 (default is 1)

Basic overview: Turns DOWN (not off) the level of detail on player models (really don’t recommend but helps fps a shit ton by decreasing the number of polygons on a player model, hats included. why would you do this?)

lod_transitiondist -1 (default is 800)
r_lod 2 (default is -1)
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Some Dumbass

Certified, and Awarded Special
★ Donor ★
Sep 21, 2018
Oregon, the rainy state
It's very useful with desktop with low spec.

got any tips to run tf2 at the LOWEST graphics possible without mods so i can run it on my crappy laptop?
nah this is all I got, because I think I got nearly everything.
Your laptop could run it with everything on this list you just will have the game look like shit