Invalid Appeal :: Beantiful

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Dec 22, 2018
User name: Beantiful

1.) Include your ban link:

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
I normally go onto a Mario Kart server because I like messing around on them and stabbing people. I went onto it this morning, and sapped and stabbed an engineer whose username was "graydonkey28" (the numbers may be wrong, but the name itself is correct). Not even 10 seconds later, he votes to ban me.
When I asked why, he only responded with, "your a asshole". I was the promptly votebanned with no staff decision. Keep in mind, there were only seven players online at the time, myself included, allowing for an easy ban.
Can i be unbanned please? I'd like to play on the server. Also, if possible, can something be done about graydonkey28? I doubt he's very old, so a ban would be too harsh, but if he could no longer be allowed to voteban or something, that'd be wonderful.
Thank you for your time.

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
I truly believe I did nothing wrong. Simply went onto the server, stabbed a guy, and got banned for it. There are no rules for pvp, I wasn't being toxic, I just did what I always do. I just got unlucky and incurred the wrath of the god of ban hammer himself, graydonkey28.
Once again, thank you for your time.
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