Accepted Appeal :: Mr. Ching Chong

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May 30, 2018
User name: Mr. Ching Chong

1.) Include your ban link:

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
A random player who I killed accused me of cheating because I was "flinching" or "shaking." And after killing him many times he reported me and now here I am.

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
The reason is that I myself have more than 3k hours on the game, and it's safe to say that I have at least a decent amount of knowledge of how to aim. I was accused for "flicking" and "spinning" but the people I was targeting had really predictable movement, so even then, I just acted like an aim bot because it was still easy to hit them, and even then I have missed a lot of shots. I am 100% not a TF2 hacker, I do not have any possessions of whatever lmaobox, lithium, or whatever those hacks are called. It's clearly just people being mad, and I have many people to vouch for me.
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