Invalid Appeal :: Pal

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Jan 1, 2019
User name: Pal

1.) Include your ban link:

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
I was on the IL surf_10x_complete server when these 2 kids were playing on the server, then one of them said the N word. (Theodore was the one who said it.) So I tried to voteban them but there was only 6 people on at the time, there usernames were, "Pet Bread," and, "Theodore." So the voteban failed, then they tried to voteban me, and it passed. (because there was only 6 people on, and there were 2 of them.) So then I got banned and I asked my friend to get on the server and voteban them, but it didnt work. Then I came on the forums to appeal my ban. (Both of them should be banned because the other kid helped him voteban me, and they were abusing the voteban system.)

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
Because I was votebanned by 2 kids that were being racist and abusing the voteban system.

Captain Maxxy

Perfect Member
★ Donor ★
May 10, 2018
To be fair it seems like you abused it too as you don't voteban because people say that, you call staff.
You should always call staff before using voteban anyway.
Ban has already expired.

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