Declined Banned for micspamming.

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Oct 1, 2019
I player on | Trade plaza a lot I even have a suggestion for a map change and one day I was controlling the whole damn server I was playing Russian fight music in chat it was earaped but thats what people like, And a couple hours later a admin comes and tells me to stop he has not right to I constantly said in voice chat and chat If you dont like it type !ignore and ignore my voice and by then people had me muted but the admin came by and banned me I made it pretty clear that I had been telling people to ignore me but he doesn't listen this just sucks I play on this server regularly I would be try to send a Admin form but im too lazy I did a ton of research to re-vamp trade plaza and I get this I play music for the people who want me to and as I said if other people dont like it, Well they can mute me. So what I am saying is I dont deserve to be banned I am a very kind person I help new players with huds, fov, interp and many other things so if you ban me this server network for the third time has banned me for dumb reasons this is totally incognitive, I have been playing on this server network for years (It says less but I have gone through different accounts I have chosen this one as a permanent one) So to sum up my argument unban me, please.

(Edit: Please also ungag and unmute me thanks!


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May 1, 2018
You have been muted for micspam many, many times in the past, and were warned that the next one would be permanent. I see no reason as to why you should be given another chance, so no, your mute will stay.

Also, you weren't banned for micspamming, you were banned for misusing the /calladmin command.
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