Accepted Discord discord iso

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Forum Activist
Nov 22, 2020
1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable:
my dc username is kol_17

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
I dont quite remember what i did but i'm pretty sure i sent a GIF in #general which was NSFW. I can send it again to an admin that's 18+ so they can judge if it was deserved or not.

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
I would like to apologise for my misconduct, it was not my intention to disturb the server with NSFW, I wanted to joke about xyso (my friend) getting banned and i sent the wrong gif. I do understand how this community reacts towards this kind of NSFW stuff. I just want to get unbanned as I want to chat with my friends on this dc server, and post suggestions as we all know JB is getting more and more popular and i want to bring new stuff to the table. Though i do want to add up that i immediatly removed my gif after noticing it wasn't the right one.


Chronic Bag Chaser
Senior Admin ★★
Jailbreak Manager ★
★ Donor ★
Jan 16, 2020
Given that you’re a long time regular, I will lift your ban. Please keep in mind our discord rules in future and don’t let this happen again.

Appeal Accepted.
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