Accepted Guardban appeal

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Dr. sandu

Jan 11, 2024
1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable:

My steam account is connected to this forum account.

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:

I was playing on jb_supermario_v16d on the NY jailbreak server [ ] as warden. I told the reds to bombrush behind the blue line infront of cells but forgot to tell them to afk/afm after doing so. I incorrectly thought the reds who went to the line were kos, which resulted in the death of 4-5 reds. I realized my mistake too late and the damage was done so i was given a 24 hour guardban.

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:

I don't expect the ban to be lifted outright because it was my fault in the end for not paying enough attention. Instead reducing the sentence would probably be more reasonable because spending 24 hours in total alive is a very long time. I only have one infraction on record before this which is a 30 minute guardban in 2021. I never intentionally freekill or break server rules in general and such was the case this time as well.
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