Hey there

Oct 10, 2019
Hello there. I've been playing on the wonderland servers for about 2-3(ish) months and I finally made a forum account. Yes I'm lazy. No I don't care. I play mainly on the Jailbreak servers, so good luck finding me anywhere else. I do play other games besides tf2, that being SCP: Containment Breach, SCP: Secret Laboratory, Pavlov VR, Beatsaber, and sometimes CS:GO or VRchat. The whole reason I found wonderland, is after being the bored idiot I am, I decided to check the Community server browser, and lo and behold, i found that jailbreak exists. At the time it baffled me on how that was even possible, but I guess it's pretty simple. Anyway, this is the end of the thread, thanks for giving me about a minute of your time.


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Jul 15, 2017
Jailbreak can be very complex so I can understand your confusion. It took me lots of trial-and-error to get into the gamemode at first.

Welcome to the forums!