Declined I am asking to please be unbanned from servers

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Jan 3, 2021

I was banned for "Extreme Harassment & Toxicity". I believe I was banned for someone being upset with me killing them for starting a fight with someone they shouldn't the only reason I suspect a ban was attacking someone for starting a fight.

I'm asking to be unbanned because I will 100% attempt to change my ways of "Extreme Harassment & Toxicity" for the sake of my friends and the others in servers that I play on.
P.S: I'm not telling you guys I'm just wondering who made the report because I genuinely didn't expect this today.

Smug Rebellion

Master Rebeller
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Apr 7, 2020
Inside the Cells of Jailbreak
Hello there, I will be the admin handling your appeal.
After looking into this a bit more I looked in your logs and found this:
773DD0BF 4301 4000 8C23 E4EC183F0BB75B7EBAE6 7526 4F08 B5B2 39A0A7373A6CC4CC4BE1 608A 4B28 9230 0C492869CCBD
Seems like you were getting really mad at a lot of people that game and when looking a bit more it was because of the fact that someone was sentry camping. But, it was a little unnecessary as to say all of that stuff and cause an even further ruckus on the server.
I also talked with the staff member who banned you and they said this
“So gaming time, and his friend, both told me how alfred was just targeting and harassing this guy. I saw his logs, and you can see how they were correct. He was always targeting them and calling them retard, saying they're ass, etc.”
This is completely and considering this I will not be unbanning you. We do not encourage this stuff in our servers and I hope that you will be more careful with your temper next time you get banned.

Appeal Declined
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