I might leave

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Sep 8, 2021
no!!! dont quit!!! please dont worry about your mental health bro!! i need you in wln :hearty: plsss bro stay with me :smiley:
:smiley:you NEED to witness everything bro. this drama is sick af! (as fuck)
PREACH SQUALDACE, i LOVE YOU snipers_ WE MISS YOU ermmmmmmmmmmmmmm ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) pls sniper ddn't go, me and squadface are fan of you're order and we think you are winnar, we hope you're join us at monrock, thank you sipers!
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i love monrock!!!!!!


Active Member
Sep 3, 2021
Despite my personal (Mostly negative) feeling towards you Snipers, I'm saying this from a place of honest care. Your own toxicity and attitude brings a lot of harassment your way. Any kind of repeated harassment like that will and does affect your mental health.

You are a child. A teen. Not yet 18. That sort of shit isn't something anyone our age should ever have to go through. Online people forget that there's an actual human being on the other side of the screen. I feel like you forget too.

I understand how badly that repeated harassment can bring you down. I remember a time you had said that it had made you cry one time. The rest of the server laughed at you. I did at the time too.

You're likely someone who starts drama for fun. You need to understand that people use Jailbreak as a way to escape. You suck the fun out something people enjoy. That makes people angry.

Take a break and reflect on what has happened. Reflect on why you do this. Reflect on why people hate you. Try to understand why they're so mad at you.

In summary, take a break and hopefully understand why this happened in the first place.

This might be a trick. One of your plays. But I honestly don't care anymore. You need to be told this. The people who support you don't have the guts to tell it like it is and most others have lost all empathy for you.

Mann Of Security

Honorary Member ★
Nov 19, 2020
Despite my personal (Mostly negative) feeling towards you Snipers, I'm saying this from a place of honest care. Your own toxicity and attitude brings a lot of harassment your way. Any kind of repeated harassment like that will and does affect your mental health.

You are a child. A teen. Not yet 18. That sort of shit isn't something anyone our age should ever have to go through. Online people forget that there's an actual human being on the other side of the screen. I feel like you forget too.

I understand how badly that repeated harassment can bring you down. I remember a time you had said that it had made you cry one time. The rest of the server laughed at you. I did at the time too.

You're likely someone who starts drama for fun. You need to understand that people use Jailbreak as a way to escape. You suck the fun out something people enjoy. That makes people angry.

Take a break and reflect on what has happened. Reflect on why you do this. Reflect on why people hate you. Try to understand why they're so mad at you.

In summary, take a break and hopefully understand why this happened in the first place.

This might be a trick. One of your plays. But I honestly don't care anymore. You need to be told this. The people who support you don't have the guts to tell it like it is and most others have lost all empathy for you.
Mr web. I applaud you, I couldn’t of said it better myself

[Fruit] Orange

Active Member
Apr 21, 2019
I think this thread seems more like people sending hate comments and some others pitying him // That being said, this thread also holds a lot of useful advice for the future, in communities like wonderland.tf . In the end you brought this upon yourself and I feel like this comment you made about "maybe leaving" was made to guilt trip people into feeling sorry for you. I anyhow couldn't care less. Even if you leave I hope you'll be better off with whatever option you choose, whether you stay, leave or take a break. Good bye.


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Active Member
Aug 11, 2021
I have no comment on your opinion,but i like your pfp
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Ow wow man sorry to hear that a guy that takes a TF2 Jailbreak as seriously as his mothers death, "got his staff application rigged" and is generally just a hated member for many reasons I dont feel like going over is leaving oh no!!!

Archie Sonic Solos You As Well
i havent been on wonderland in a long time since im ip banned so i dont really know the whole story


the one with many names
★ Donor ★
Jun 25, 2019
You see I am much better now but this shows you're bland in actually helping someone. I'd suggest not replying to it if youre not gonna give advice bruh :l
You want advice? I'll give you advice.

Try to be a likable person. (be mature, follow rules, have good conversations, etc.)

Stop picking fights with people for ridiculous reasons.

Stop trying to make ridiculously long orders that no one will understand, either cause you make them too long or you say them too fast. (Sometimes you take 3 minutes to give the entire order, SOMETIMES INCLUDING REPEATS! which is unacceptable in my opinion.)

Do not try to piss people off, people will eventually wish for you to get permanently banned.

Stop trying to make up shit, you'll look untrustworthy when the truth comes out.

Take most things the staff say seriously, they enforce the rules after all.

Stop getting into trouble.

Stop being so god damn annoying. No one ever likes an annoying child on their server.

DO NOT accuse the staff of something they didn't do, it only makes you look like a fool.

STOP TRYING TO CAUSE DRAMA! No one likes people who causes drama!

And like most people have said, take a break.

I'll be waiting for improvements, Snipers_.


★ Donor ★
May 4, 2020
What goes around comes around.

If you are toxic and stir up drama you DO NOT get the right to complain when said toxicity and drama backfires on you. I suggest you either take a break from the internet, because, honestly, no one appreciates this kind of behavior, and think about how to improve your personality, or just leave Wonderland altogether. From what I see, no one wants you here, so fix your act or just go.
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