Declined I'm sorry for what I did that I thought it was fine

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Hard Mercy

Jun 14, 2024
1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable:
Couldn't find it, sorry

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
I was banned for illegal or innapopriate topic (I dont remember it specifically).
I saw someone typed "rape" in the comments it was a silly sarcastic comment about sex and my braindead self immediately thought about the discord meme of a dude saying "Rape is Natural! Rape is Healthy! Cultivate Rape!" I only said 2 of them in the chat and nothing more. Thats the only thing I think is the illegal topic since all I did in vc was all voice impressions of different characters and nothing offensive said. Sorry for bad english im asian

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
I learned my lesson, i need to be careful of what i say even if its a joke or not. I hope I am forgiven
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