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SteamID / STEAM profile of the player:
Player name: Randomcerta
Date of incident:6/03/2018
Server name / IP: LA Jailbreak/
Proof: Image Attached
Explain what happened & include as much information as possible:
All Reds were stacked on the yellow line on ba_jail_casuarina_b5 and Randomcerta had the machina equipped. Some reds (I don't remember who) told Randomcerta that they didnt trust him with the machina cause they thought he was going to shoot all of us in 1 shot. Literally 5 seconds later, Randomcerta purposely shoots into the stack of Reds with a fully scoped shot and kills multiple people with penetration. (The Machina should be banned in my opinion). He then proceeds to act like he did nothing wrong and tells everyone that they are lying to themselves when they say he mass freekilled.


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