My Age (and future plans for wonderland)


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Jan 5, 2020
You will probably be suprised about what you're about to read. If not, then you already figured it out.
I'm going to start with the one that I want to focus on. My age and I got some explaining to do.

Around the time I joined forums, my voice changed up to the point where it sounds like I am 17-18. It got weird quickly and many people thought I was much older than I actually was. At the time, it put me in that mindset and I followed it(I don't even know what I was thinking back then). and when I was joining forums, I did 2003 instead of my original. It was stupid and idiotic of me to be in that state of mind but I changed from that mindset which is good. My actual age is 14 (15 in a month) so I am very sorry to anyone that I lied to. Also, special note to any staff reading this, I deeply apologize for lying about my age in previous apps. It was stupid of me to not change it before and I feel like I cheated on those previous apps to get better votes. I will ask staff to change it back to my original and use that birthdate in any future apps that I create. But yeah, I am deeply sorry to anyone I lied to about my age.

Now on to future plans for wonderland. Oh boy, there is so much I want to say. Since school is starting soon, I have been stressing out about it since well, I will be joining more than a thousand kids with a lot of cases of COVID happening in my state. Honestly, I am really worried about what will be happening next. I care a lot about my health but seeing that I will be heading to school with many kids, I am freaking out a bit (Also I am an introvert but whatever). And with all of this happening, it is getting difficult to stay in that positive attitude. Looking back, I don't deserve the amount of support and respect the wonderland community gives me. I have met so many nice people here and so many people know me that it is kind of overwhelming.

For future things in wonderland such as applying for staff and things like that, that time will not come for a while. There is already too much going through my head and seeing that I have already made some mistakes as I said above, I won't be applying for a while. As much as I want to help out the community, I just don't think I'm ready. If I apply again in the future, it will be when the time is right, and when I am sure I can be a responsible staff member here. But as of now, there is no clear time when I will apply again.

With all of that said, I will still be the same person I have always been. I will still try my best to help out this community in any way possible. If it is reporting rule-breakers, giving suggestions to improve this community, or even welcoming new members, I will still try my best to help. If you hate me for what I said above, that is perfectly fine. I deserve it. I will answer any questions or concerns anyone has. I will try to answer whenever I am available. There are a few things I forgot or left out but if someone brings it up here, then I will answer it.
Anyway, That is what I had to say about this. I will cya later :katlove2:


Mr Society
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Jul 15, 2017
Lying isn't a good thing but we make mistakes sometimes. That's how I see it at least.
Haven't spoken to you that much but you've always seemed like a nice person, so a lie like that won't hurt a lot.

Long paragraphs like these are really great. Gets some things off your back you probably had for a long time. I doubt your view on being supported, and you shouldn't undermine yourself against the support you feel like you deserve.

We all have our issues and it's nice of you to address some things and I'm sure those close to you here appreciate it.

its a serious post hoovy
Sometimes fun in a serious topic like this can be light hearted.

Deleted member 8006

My actual age is 14 (15 in a month)
H o w? I've heard your voice in-game and you sound like you are 17-18 (Like you said above).

Well, as stated above as well, lying isn't good. Although it is minor (Lying about your age), it's not good (As you can use that to your advantage in applications, as you said). However, at least you admitted to it and you apologized. I recommend that you don't lie again, because as stated below, it's against the rules (Especially as you used that on your applications):

Since school is starting soon, I have been stressing out about it since well, I will be joining more than a thousand kids with a lot of cases of COVID happening in my state. Honestly, I am really worried about what will be happening next. I care a lot about my health but seeing that I will be heading to school with many kids, I am freaking out a bit (Also I am an introvert but whatever).

I think this is gonna happen to a lot of people (including myself), because ya, once school season starts, rip video games.

If you hate me for what I said above, that is perfectly fine. I deserve it. I will answer any questions or concerns anyone has. I will try to answer whenever I am available. There are a few things I forgot or left out but if someone brings it up here, then I will answer it.

Just wanted to ask one thing: Why lie about your age (Especially that you were applying for staff)? I know you mentioned this:
Around the time I joined forums, my voice changed up to the point where it sounds like I am 17-18. It got weird quickly and many people thought I was much older than I actually was. At the time, it put me in that mindset and I followed it(I don't even know what I was thinking back then). and when I was joining forums, I did 2003 instead of my original. It was stupid and idiotic of me to be in that state of mind but I changed from that mindset which is good. My actual age is 14 (15 in a month) so I am very sorry to anyone that I lied to.
But imo, this is a community with not much toxicity (Like for the forums and Discord). Although some people may be toxic, no one would hate you if you just said right away that you were 14 (Almost 15). I wouldn't care either, but I sorta wanna know why you lied about your age.
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Jan 5, 2020
but I sorta wanna know why you lied about your age.
At the time I lied, I was in a completely different mindset, thinking I was 17-18 or someone much older than I actually was. I am glad to know that I have moved away from this mindset. But yes, I understand completely that I lied and will be truthful in all things involving future things with staff (such as apps, etc)
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Jun 8, 2019
I had already spoken with you in dms. I don't care about you're age being lied. Prob since im not staff though coming clean is the right thing to do. So grats. And I hope to see you when you are done with school again
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