my opinions and feedbacks

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Dec 9, 2017
Hi , as you guys may already know this , I’m a Black Muslim. You may already have a built in thoughts on what type of person I am. I drew the short straw. Many associate Islam with violence and hatred etc. It’s an understatement to say that it’s viewed in a very negative light. I know whatever I do , I can’t change your beliefs on Islam and what type of religion it is. However for whatever the “nigger” jokes don’t get to me so harshly. Maybe because of where I live , the majority of everyone here is from African descent. On the other hand , I go to a school where muslims are the minority. I’m not here for sympathy or empathy so I won’t go into the part. This negative views of Islam is much like a parasite , I try to wash it off , but I can never really escape it. At first I thought that most of you guys were just saying it as a joke , but I've grown to see the paranoia around Islam on the server is too much to handle. I've seen the constant jokes / heard the jokes. From staff members finding smart ways to say things , I don’t know with the intention with me to see them.

Most jokes are labelled as “just a joke” , however I don’t think you understand that some jokes can hurt. However it’s backed up by the word “joke”. It can poison and corrupt if it goes far for a long time or much.
Before anyone says , “it’s the internet” don’t get triggered. It’s the fact IT is the internet. A common use for gaming is to divert from real life problems or reality. You go on the internet only to face the same comments you do in reality. What makes it worse , is I can’t do nothing. I know you guys don’t owe me anything , all I’m asking is for some understanding.

Also I can’t just change religions. My parents raised me to be Muslim and I can’t simply just change back when it’s been drilled into my mind. I don’t expect people to completely understand and be nice. In all honestly , I would just go straight to hierarchy, but I don’t want to hide behind this. I know I’m not alone in this.
I know I’m opening myself up to attack and leaving a point for people to attack me , but I’m genuinely hoping the majority of you will understand , and at least dial it down. I’m not asking for you to view Islam as a happy and positivity-spreading religion , just asking , to just dial down the Islam jokes / attacks.
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