Invalid Server Ban Appeal

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Apr 21, 2020
OK so first of all, my account is linked to my forum account and per the guidelines, so i'm good on the first step.

So, I'll give you guys the story, I was playing on the server listed in my ban, a jailbreak server, and i was playing a few matches and such, then we come across a freekiller, he killed many reds intentionally, almost all of them, and everyone and I mean everyone, was complaining about him in the chat, (name was power!!). So, this next part here was my bad, but I wanted everyone to be happy of course and i knew I had the option to do the vote guardban. (I also want to put on a side note that this guy who was freekilling was an admin and he was being toxic to me after i was warned? So I initiated it like a fool and power just cancelled it for himself since he was apparently and admin and I was asked to explain as it says it in the rules that I had to wait 20 mins. I didn't know this and people HAD called admin previously, (which my ban says no one had) like 5 minutes before, I thought no one was arriving so I just thought it would be for the better good. Then I was warned by another undercover admin, and i apologized and he corrected me and I went my way, now I was only warned here not banned, then I went afk for about 30 minutes, then I came back to see I was kicked by an administrator, I was confused and I tried to rejoin but came to the message that I have been banned from this server. I was very confused because I was only warned initially, then I checked my ban listing and it said that no one had called an admin previously, which is completely untrue, i'm pretty sure someone was recording but I saw people call for admin. I'm guessing this was power!! because he already seemed like a power abuser and he had probably already wanted me banned instead of warned.

OK, so that's my explanation of the story, next I would like to explain why I should be unbanned. The sole reason why I think i should be unbanned is because the ban is unjust. I had only got warned so I accepted that but then I was banned when it said there was no calls for admin, which there were. I think I should be unbanned because I really didn't mean any harm and I mean no threat to the community. This was either a mistake or an abuse of power. I promise I have taken my misuse of power into consideration and considering how my punishment should only be a warning, I’d like to be unbanned

I hope you will take my case into consideration,
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Apr 21, 2020
You did the same earlier today for someone named "noobmaster69". Repeat VIP abuse is a ban.
Again, I was just completely unaware, and I’m sorry and this is all just a misunderstanding, I was just simply being an idiot and I had only repeated it because I simply had no idea as there were no admins or such and I promise never to break these rules again now that I am aware
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