Server Events

Which events do you like?

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survives off coffee and bagels
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Jul 27, 2017
Hi Everyone!

One of the things I wanted to do once I joined our wonderful (haha) server staff is host some events both in Team Fortress and CS:GO and on our forums for everyone to enjoy. I have a whole list of ideas, from races on our jump maps, to monthly tournaments to let our awesome community show off their skills. While I've been working hard coming up with ideas, I would love to hear what all of you want to do! I would also love to hear from players who are willing to donate small items as incentives for players to join our events (i.e. the heavy's Heavy-Weight Belt for a boxing tournament).

Please leave ideas below, and feel free to message me on the forums, or on steam with anything specific.


Forum Extremist
Aug 12, 2017

BTW This is my heavy set I have JUST for boxing

Also if Heavy Boxing Tournament does get implemented i Would be Happy to make a bracket with all the fights on it


BTW if you didn't notice I voted for Heavy Boxing


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Jul 15, 2017
I agree, my only worry is trying to get enough staff online at once. Though I'm sure we'd kick some player ass.
and if we lose we can always just ban them :goodsmile:


I wouldn't mind donating what I can for something. Anyway, to give my input on your ideas:

  1. Holiday "Secret Santa" / Gift Giving - Still :blobthinking2: about this. We'd need to make sure of course people fulfilled their gift giving roles, and we may need some gift regulation on this..? Perhaps we could do something such as having people put their gifts in and then secret santas being picked randomly, but that isn't really how a secret santa event works. Still up for discussion.
  2. Karaoke Night - Yea Discord would be the best place for something like this. I personally wouldn't really be interested in singing but this sounds like a fun event without any real drawbacks so why not. Would recommend it be done more than once however since I don't think it's big enough to be done really as a one time thing, maybe that's just my opinion though.
  3. Jump Map Races - There's pros and cons to this. On one side, jump isn't really a big department for us, so it won't be really popular. On the other hand, hosting an event for our Jump servers could help them gain more traction. Plus, we could perhaps get outside help for this if we want to put in the work to make it bigger, and that'd be great.
  4. Heavy Boxing Tourney - One thought that comes to mind for me is if we'd need to regulate people tryharding/greifing the event (use of non-melees is really what im referring to). This is possible, however this isn't against the rules, but of course we could make an exception for this supposing higher ranking staff such as @Madi are okay with it.
  5. Pro Balloon Races - Balloon races isn't the most popular now so it's questionable how popular this would be. However, from what I've seen people find it to be fun, so I think this is worth considering.
  6. Staff Battles (Staff as Team Captains in regular CS:GO or TF2) - I don't see much issue with this, though I welcome more discussion about this such as: What being a "team captain" entails, what gamemodes would this be hosted on, how would teams be organized, etc.
  7. Honestly I have more but I'm on a laptop and it's one in the morning and I can't be bothered. - This is probably your best event idea so I placed that as my vote. :blobnomcookie:
With a majority of these we'd also need to plan out big prizes and what not, so let's keep that in mind (@Xypher hit us up?).
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survives off coffee and bagels
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Jul 27, 2017
and if we lose we can always just ban them :goodsmile:


I wouldn't mind donating what I can for something. Anyway, to give my input on your ideas:

  1. Holiday "Secret Santa" / Gift Giving - Still :blobthinking2: about this. We'd need to make sure of course people fulfilled their gift giving roles, and we may need some gift regulation on this..? Perhaps we could do something such as having people put their gifts in and then secret santas being picked randomly, but that isn't really how a secret santa event works. Still up for discussion.
  2. Karaoke Night - Yea Discord would be the best place for something like this. I personally wouldn't really be interested in singing but this sounds like a fun event without any real drawbacks so why not. Would recommend it be done more than once however since I don't think it's big enough to be done really as a one time thing, maybe that's just my opinion though.
  3. Jump Map Races - There's pros and cons to this. On one side, jump isn't really a big department for us, so it won't be really popular. On the other hand, hosting an event for our Jump servers could help them gain more traction. Plus, we could perhaps get outside help for this if we want to put in the work to make it bigger, and that'd be great.
  4. Heavy Boxing Tourney - One thought that comes to mind for me is if we'd need to regulate people tryharding/greifing the event (use of non-melees is really what im referring to). This is possible, however this isn't against the rules, but of course we could make an exception for this supposing higher ranking staff such as @Madi are okay with it.
  5. Pro Balloon Races - Balloon races isn't the most popular now so it's questionable how popular this would be. However, from what I've seen people find it to be fun, so I think this is worth considering.
  6. Staff Battles (Staff as Team Captains in regular CS:GO or TF2) - I don't see much issue with this, though I welcome more discussion about this such as: What being a "team captain" entails, what gamemodes would this be hosted on, how would teams be organized, etc.
  7. Honestly I have more but I'm on a laptop and it's one in the morning and I can't be bothered. - This is probably your best event idea so I placed that as my vote. :blobnomcookie:
With a majority of these we'd also need to plan out big prizes and what not, so let's keep that in mind (@Xypher hit us up?).

1. My idea is anyone can enter by submitting an item(s) over a certain worth. (Maybe 3 ref?) So people who enter are sure to get something out of it without losing anything. I'd probably pop a key or something in there. <3
3. The idea with the Jump races came from not seeing many people on. I love the jumping despite being pretty bad, and by hosting regular races with prizes, we can encourage player to practice.
5. Same as above to some extent.
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Reactions: Eight
Aug 18, 2017
An extremely unique idea, it also seems really fleshed out.

I wouldn't be surprised if this actually became reality, I think Wonderland might be one of the first servers to actually host events like these. It might bring a lot of attention to community itself.
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